Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

“All the News That Fits Our Editorial Agenda”

September 28th, 2011, Promulgated by Mike

The last time I picked up a print copy of the New York Times I noted that their motto, “All the News That’s Fit to Print”, was still proudly displayed in the upper-left corner of the front page.

I mention this because of a story that went up early yesterday afternoon on the Catholic News Agency’s web site.  The story details the economic gain achieved by Madrid and the surrounding area due to August’s World Youth Day celebration:

Madrid, Spain, Sep 27, 2011 / 01:30 pm (CNA).- The Spanish capital city of Madrid came away with over $200 million in profits after World Youth Day 2011 held this past August, officials said.

The WYD Madrid press office reported Sept. 26 that the Confederation of Businessmen of Madrid calculated that the capital took in some $216 million during the visit of Pope Benedict XVI.

In August the Gray Lady published a decidedly negative piece on WYD expenses that led with the news that 120 Spanish clergy working with the poor had signed a petition deploring the cost of the event.

Now that WYD has been shown to have been an economic boon for the entire area one wonders if the USA’s “newspaper of record” will take note of that fact.  So far there’s nothing about this on and, given the paper’s recent anti-Catholic slant, I’m not holding my breath waiting for something to appear.

It only remains for the New York Times to come clean with its readers by coming up with a new motto that more accurately reflects its liberal and, especially, its anti-Catholic bias.

Might I suggest “All the News That Fits Our Editorial Agenda”?


4 Responses to ““All the News That Fits Our Editorial Agenda””

  1. Richard Thomas says:

    1 can only wonder if the opposition of the clergy was more like the atheists who also protested the visit for the same reasons. But behind this, were they simply in opposition to the voice of the pope?

  2. Bernie says:

    I will be very surprised to see the NYT carry the financial benefit report.
    Richard Thomas: you are absoutely correct!

  3. Hopefull says:

    Great point, Mike. Your blog post should receive MUCH wider coverage. Simple truth. Easy to understand! Also reminds us not only of media bias but also of the enemy within. Anyone calling himself “Catholic” can get media attention by saying something negative about the Church or the Pope. Local media? Mark Hare is an example.

  4. Richard Thomas says:

    What’s almost entertaining is confronting these liberal clerics with the truth. It is always entertaining watching them dance around their lies and listening to their efforts to sanitize and alter the truth.

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