Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Ad Limina Date Set

September 26th, 2011, Promulgated by Gen

Bishop Clark’s visit to Rome is scheduled for Thanksgiving Day.

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3 Responses to “Ad Limina Date Set”

  1. Dr. K says:

    May it be a happy Thanksgiving for the people of Rochester.

  2. Abaccio says:

    Let us all go around the table and say what we are thankful for…

  3. brother of penance says:

    Between now and his Ad Limina visit to Rome, will Bishop Clark support Archbishop Dolan’s and Cardinal George’s efforts to persuade President Obama “to push the reset button on DOMA”, Defense of Marriage Act?

    Between now and his Ad Limina visit to Rome, will Bishop Clark join Dolan in exclaiming that Obama’s stubbornness and refusal to enforce this Federal law regarding marriage between one man and one woman will PRECIPITATE A NATIONAL CONFLICT BETWEEN CHURCH AND STATE OF ENORMOUS PROPORTIONS?

    As we wonder what Bishop Clark will do and say to support marriage between one man and one woman,
    let’s pray our beloved bishop is graced with a double dose of conviction and courage.

    Enjoy Michael Voris’ recent video in which Voris reports on Dolan’s efforts.

    Bishop Clark must be aware of the Archbishop’s letter to President Obama. Has he said anything about it?

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