Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Prepare for the new mass with seminarian David Tedesche

July 7th, 2011, Promulgated by b a

The Catholic Courier ran a few more stories about the upcoming changes to the mass. Although the changes aren’t all that extensive, the opportunity provided to reflect on what the mass essentially is should prove to be quite helpful to all Catholics (clergy and laity alike). I followed a link from which took me to St. Charles Borromeo’s site which features a series given by seminarian David Tedesche.   I’ve only listened to the first session so far, but I’m impressed enough to suggest it to the Cleansing Fire community. Go check it out – it’s good stuff.

Understanding the New Roman Missal, Understanding Our Liturgy

This past winter of 2011, David Tedesche, St. Charles Seminarian-in-Residence, conducted an eight-week class entitled Understanding the New Roman Missal — Understanding Our Liturgy. Throughout the course of this class, we looked at our Roman Rite Liturgy in the original Latin alongside both our current English translation and the up-and-coming revised English translation. We compared and contrasted the current with the new translation and discussed the different translation philosophies behind each. More importantly, all of this discussion was an opportunity for us to learn about and deepen our own appreciation of our Roman Rite Liturgy and our Catholic Eucharistic faith and spirituality.

Here is the main text we used throughout the class: The Order of Mass

Here are recordings of each class and the handouts that were used. Study at your own pace, pass this material around, and spread the word.



2 Responses to “Prepare for the new mass with seminarian David Tedesche”

  1. anonymous says:

    I attended David’s Church Fathers classes last winter at St. Charles Borromeo. David is a real treasure for this diocese. He is smart and completely true to the faith. We are lucky to have him and I can’t wait until he is ordained.

  2. Therese says:

    I actually went to a couple of these sessions, and my family sent a delegate to almost every single one of David’s classes (no matter what it was on). Our combined notes made for fantastic dinner-table conversations, and I still reference my Uncovering Riches notes on a regular basis. He’s going to be a great priest!

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