Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

On Rainbows

July 13th, 2011, Promulgated by Dr. K

Bernie has written here before about the modern association of rainbows in art with the homosexual movement. In particular, the six-color rainbow was  adopted by the “LBGT” movement beginning in the late 1970s. This design is often featured on flags and t-shirts in support of the gay agenda.

I was surfing the website of St. Catherine of Siena (Ithaca) the other day and came across the parish’s logo for their 50th anniversary. To my surprise, the logo prominently features the six-color rainbow:

St. Catherine of Siena 50th anniversary logo with six-color rainbow

Here is the six-color rainbow associated with the homosexual movement:

LBGT flag with six-color rainbow

As we all should know from our elementary schooling, seven colors are associated with the rainbow (as in the acronym “ROY G. BIV”), not six. I’d like to think that this was an innocent mistake on behalf of the parish, but knowing pastor Fr. Marcoux’s long history pushing for homosexual inclusivity (see here, here, here, and here), I am a tad skeptical.

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20 Responses to “On Rainbows”

  1. Thinkling says:

    I just wanted to point out that the exact breakdown of the number of colors is somewhat arbitrary — I would not read too much into someone dropping indigo from their rainbow (I thought it was a plant myself).

    But I am torn about this. The logo does have the dove and olive leaf (OK branch) from Gen8:11. But I am concerned that suddenly any legitimate use of the rainbow is verboten. I don’t like that scenario one bit. But in this case I think Fr. Marcoux’s connections are very troubling. At best, the usage has the homosexualist symbolism as an intended bonus.

    While on the topic, does anyone know if U2 meant to refer to this incident in the lyrics to Beautiful Day? They go

    see the bird with a leaf in her mouth
    after the flood all the colors came out

  2. U2 has very Christian views and was obviously referring to, as the lyrics state, the rainbow after the Flood, signifying God’s Covenant with Man.

    My sister-in-law who is a Carmelite nun, recently sent me a prayer card with a rainbow on it the other day. There was a dove with the 4 colored rainbow which included a prayer. I definitely do not think she or the card manufacturer had the LBGT movement in mind.
    I am with Thinkling – That any legitimate use of a rainbow is suddenly verboten is a scenario I don’t like. It’s bad enough that groups and organization of all kinds which have used the reference of the rainbow in their name and/or logo for years have felt compelled to change their name and/or logo for fear of being associated with the LBGT movement.

  3. anonymous says:

    You have to be careful not to jump to conclusions with this. Not everyone knows this about rainbows. I used to were a large glass heart bead with a rainbow flowing through it on a leather string that my daughter gave me because she heard me say I liked it and it reminded me of the rainbow motif that was used a lot in the 70’s and 80’s when I was a kid. I wore it often and wondered why so many people kept on asking me about it all the time, duh, I had no clue! After about a year I figured it out and it is now a decoration in my house.
    I doubt that every use of the rainbow in church, fashion or music signifies the LBGT movement. I also have that U2 song on my ipod, give me a break!

  4. Dr. K says:

    Note that this post is about the use of the rainbow with six colors rather than the rainbow in general, and what the six-color rainbow represents.

  5. Ben Anderson says:

    since u2 was brought up. I found this article interesting:

    I also love the song that Interstate Catholic posted a little while ago:

    I also have that U2 song on my ipod, give me a break!

    Anon, I’m guessing you thought Thinkling was trying to imply the song was connected to homosexuality? I think he was just asking whether or not it referred to the story of the flood.

  6. Dan says:

    Bishop Clark runs the Diocese of Rochester with an iron fist. He makes the first and last decision.

    The homosexual agenda is being pushed in this diocese because it is Bishop Clark’s personal agenda.

    I am sorry to say this, but I would not allow any of the children in my extended family to be alone for any reason with Father Joseph Marcoux. That is my personal opinion.

  7. Bernie says:

    The six vs. seven color rainbow is an interesting observation I had not noticed. Good point.

    The broader problem with the rainbow is it has come to represent, as a virtue, an uncritical or non-judgmental diversity -an acceptance of anything and everything; i.e. moral relativism. The fact that it is also the banner logo of the homosexual agenda is an important part of that mix at the present time. It has eclipsed to a large extent the promotion of racial tolerance as the dominant representative idea although racial tolerance is still part of the mix.

    Combine the dove with the rainbow and you have a 60’s understanding of “peace at any price” thrown into the mix.

    It’s difficult to criticize the use of the rainbow and dove -what are admittedly Christian symbols -without being accused of being a bigot, racist or war-monger, and un-Christian to boot. Who could possibly be against racial, cultural, or sexual diversity and “peace”, except Republicans and traditional Catholics?

    It would be interesting to see how many Catholics would interpret the St. Catherine anniversary logo in terms of the Sign of Noah vs. diversity and peace (in their secular senses). I would love to have been listening-in on the comments of the committee and artist when the design was considered.

    We don’t, however, have to give up the use of the rainbow and dove. We simply have to use them in proper context and according to our Christian iconographic tradition. Committees like St. Catherine’s won’t do that of course because then it wouldn’t communicate the message it wants to communicate.

    I truly believe the St. Catherine logo is meant to represent a perverted sense of openness and welcoming attitude that deliberately advertises that moral values, doctrine, and authoritative teaching are not -and have not been for 50 years- important in that parish. “Join us in celebrating our relativist openness!”

    Now, I have no idea on how things have actually been at St. Catherine’s for the past 50 years or how they are now, but that is what the logo is most assuredly meant to imply. Otherwise, I don’t know why you would choose to use on an anniversary banner the sign of Noah (I’m sure someone is going to point out my ignorance for wondering that. But most of you will get my point.)

  8. MichaelL says:

    Because nothing says St. Catherine of Siena like a rainbow, right? It is like a recalcitrant teenager challenging his parents authority. Will these people ever grow up? They seem to be stuck in the rebellion of the 60s; reliving the glory days of their youth. One of the virtues the Church teaches us is obedience. There is a time to rebel against injustice. But this is just rebellion for its own sake; just one more false idol.

    Sorry to go slightly off topic, but Google gave us another example of displaying the six color rainbow where it doesn’t belong in their 4th of July doodle. And they also displayed the rainbow on select searches during June to show their support of the homosexual agenda.

  9. annonymouse says:

    In Father Marcoux’s last bulletin letter, there was, unfortunately, nary a mention of perhaps the most important ministry we can provide to “gay” Catholics – a clear call for them (just as the call is to all of us) to repent and change their (our) lives!

    Apparently, despite his quoting the Bishops’ pastoral and the catechism, Father Marcoux chooses to ignore the clear teaching of Holy Mother Church that once a person with same-sex attraction abandons a chaste lifestyle and engages in homosexual activities, that person is now engaging in objectively and gravely sinful behavior. The most loving thing we as Catholics can do is to provide avenues for such persons to escape the bondage of such a sinful lifestyle. The DoR provides no such pastoral ministry to “gay” persons, however.

    It appears that Father Marcoux sees nothing wrong with this lifestyle.

    Jesus would be welcoming and loving to such persons, without doubt. Jesus would also tell them to “go and sin no more,” as He does to all of us sinners. Sadly, our diocesan Church all too often forgets that “go and sin no more” was an integral part of Jesus’ message.

  10. I think the Rainbow should still be used in its proper context-God’s Covenant with Man-although it originated in the time of Noah and the Flood in the Old Testament it is still relevant today. I believe that I have seen the Rainbow depicted behind the cross in religious art. it is one of the most powerful signs and symbols to convey the message that God has not abandoned us, that He is with us, has made a pact(covenant) with us and He is Faithful.I think we should not cower to the LGBT movement and let them completely hijack the symbol of the Rainbow and rob the symbol and sign of God’s covenant with Man from Judaism and Christianity, and also Islam as the story is in the Qu’ran. The Rainbow is the most basic, powerful, and universal ‘symbol of God’s Covenant with His People.

    This does not mean however, that I cannot see an extremely liberal parish wishing to be open to everyone, including Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, and Transsexuals, and trying to mingle the theme of God’s Covenant with the LGBT movement. I think we should stand our ground. If I happen to have a logo or design of a rainbow in reference to God or what I see as a symbol/sign of God’s Covenant, I do not shy away and try to hide it from others around me. Those who know me, know better than to ask me if it has something to do with the LGBT movement. If those who don’t know me question it, they get to get testimony of God’s Covenant with His People in the time of Noah and the relevance today in Christianity by sending us His son, Jesus.
    I think it is important, when possible, to have a rainbow of seven colors.

  11. Sassy says:

    I don’t mean to be thick-headed here, but where does the myth come from that the Catholic Church is not accepting of people with SSA? Is it primarily because they’re called to live chasely?

  12. Sassy says:

    Oops, spelling error…that is chastely?

  13. Nerina says:

    Is it primarily because they’re called to live chastely?

    Hi Sassy,

    Yes. I think homosexuals would argue that the Church doesn’t “accept” them because She asks them to set aside sinful activities. Many, many people (both homosexuals and heterosexuals) have swallowed the idea that homosexuals are “born that way” (no evidence for this belief, by the way) and that therefore, asking them to set aside “inborn” physical drives is cruel and demeaning. Ergo, the Church is not accepting of homosexuals. NB: acceptance in this case means not only welcoming homosexuals into the community, but condoning homosexual acts – even pronouncing them “good.”

  14. Giovanni says:

    The rainbow choice doesn’t seem to explicitly indicate anything… you’re all just guessing and stirring the pot. Unless something is clearly done against church teaching or with other intentions that shouldn’t be at the center of our faith.. then we should leave it be.

  15. Sassy-Did you mean Same Sex Attraction with SSA? I think the Catholic Church is accepting of these individuals as children of God but not accepting of their lifestyle, and certainly not supporting and promoting their lifestyle.

    In my last paragraph, I meant to simply point out that I could see a priest who openly admits he is homosexual and is supportive of the homosexual movement, and possibly some other liberal-minded people trying to deceptively mix the theme of God’s Covenant with the theme of the LGBT movement to fit their agenda.

  16. Sassy says:

    Yes, that is what I meant by SSA. Sorry for the jargon.

    Thank you for answering my question. I want to make sure I have full understanding.

  17. Bill B. says:

    @Giovanni-I have a tendency to agree with you. These people hijacked things in the past like the word “gay” in the 1890’s music and destroyed the correct definition of the word and there is nothing you can do but wince when one of those super tunes is sung because of the hijack. The colors appear to be different (to me). As a faithful people we know what the rainbow represents. Keep praying…

  18. Ink says:

    Anon 138213: I don’t know if you have deliberately turned a blind eye to the world around us, but the Church is constantly being lambasted for Her stance on this matter. As such, it is our responsibility as Catholics to defend the teachings of the magisterium.

    Bill: I understand completely what you mean! I used to LOVE the word queer. As in, Alice in Wonderland style “how queer” meaning “how odd.” I think I was maybe in fifth grade when I read in article in my local paper detailing how the use of that word had shifted to referring to homosexual tendencies. Needless to say, I was pretty upset–it’s a perfectly good word–and have avoided using it since.

  19. annonymouse says:

    Ink – queer was a perjorative term for “gay” persons at one time, that is until such persons embraced their “queerness.”

  20. Ink says:

    Annonymouse: I know. But I was upset that it had been hijacked as slang rather than being used as the perfectly fun word it was in my childhood. And, honestly, I was in fifth grade. That means I was… oh, I think ten.

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