Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Bishop Shuffle – July 19

July 19th, 2011, Promulgated by Gen

1. Archbishop Chaput has been named the successor to Cardinal Rigali, and will become the 9th Archbishop of Philadelphia. Archbishop Chaput is a Franciscan, who has a great track-record of fidelity to the Church, and whose talents will be put to excellent use in Philadelphia. There will be a live press-conference with Cardinal Rigali and Archbishop Chaput at 10:00 AM at this site:

2. Another Conventual Franciscan, Father Father Gregory John Hartmayer, has been named the next Bishop of Savannah, Georgia. Fr. Hartmayer is a native of Buffalo.

I think it is rather interesting that there are at least a couple Franciscans serving the American Church in very influential ways, what with Cardinal Sean O’Malley in Boston, Archbishop Chaput in Denver, soon Philadelphia. There is a good article over at Thomas Peter’s site which I recommend to you.

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12 Responses to “Bishop Shuffle – July 19”

  1. Nerina says:

    Lucky ducks! (Philadelphians, that is) That diocese is in need of serious healing and reconciliation.

  2. jetscubs86 says:

    Perhaps we need it more.

  3. annonymouse says:

    Let us celebrate with Philadelphia for their good fortune! Archbishop (soon enough Cardinal) Chaput is a great man of faith and courage. Denver’s loss is Philadelphia’s gain.

    This sort of appointment should give great hope to all the dioceses who will soon experience leadership changes.

  4. Choir says:

    Father Hartmayer was also principal at St. Francis High School in Athol Springs.

  5. Mike says:

    I love this paragraph on Thomas Peters’ blog

    Here’s how I would put it: for Pope Benedict, orthodoxy and courage are the two most-needed traits in bishops facing significant and tough assignments. Once again, Pope Benedict will have chosen a outspoken, faithful bishop who has personal experience with renewing the Church where it has fallen. Often these bishops come from religious orders.

    While Rochester is only 24% as significant as Philadelphia (based on their relative Catholic populations), it too will be a tough assignment for whoever is chosen to succeed Bishop Clark. Let’s pray that His Holiness also sends us an outspoken, faithful man capable of renewing this local church where it has fallen.

  6. annonymouse says:

    On the other hand, one can be TOO outspoken. Bishop Martino of Scranton comes to mind – he was certainly orthodox and courageous, but he went so far as to be offensive, leading to his eventually stepping aside. Cardinal Rigali had to step in temporarily until Martino’s successor could be named.

    So in addition to orthodoxy and courage, I think the Vatican is looking for men who are also pastoral, conciliatory and act to build up rather than tear down.

  7. dockpete says:

    As a resident of Fort Collins,CO I am sorry to see AB Chaput leave. Philadelphia is gaining a true shepherd. When we had some abuse issues in the Diocese of Denver he attacked the issue head on and showed what a true leader he is. My hope is that AB Sambi recommends to the Holy Father that he replace him with a like minded soul.

  8. Scott W. says:

    but he went so far as to be offensive, leading to his eventually stepping aside.

    The standard meme is that his outspokeness led to health problems which led to early retirement. The problem is, I can’t find any substantiation for this beyond salacious gossip.

  9. Sassy says:

    As a member of the Philly archdiocese, we are thrilled with the announcement. I’m doubly excited because my son will get to meet him after he makes his First Holy Communion. Thank you for your prayers and well wishes.

  10. Sassy says:

    Scott, your assessment about Scranton was pretty accurate. My family is related by marriage to the current bishop of Scranton, Bishop Bambera, and he’s been a breath of fresh air for that diocese.

  11. Sassy says:

    Scott, Bishop Martino also closed many churches and schools without, according to my family, much rhyme or reason. I know that the faithful of the DOR knows that pain.

  12. dockpete says:

    In my appeal to AB Sambi to provide the Archdiocese of Denver with a like minded soul as AB Chaput, this is an excerpt from a letter I am sending him.

    “A few weeks ago I visited family in my hometown of Rochester, NY. I had not been back in a number of years, and decided to attend Mass at St. Louis Church in Pittsford where I attended Parochial school. The last time I was in the Church was for my father’s funeral in 2000. At the time the Church looked as it did when I was growing up. When I attended 9AM Mass on the 26th of June I was shocked.

    I entered the Church and there were no greeters. There were no holy water fonts. As I passed through the vestibule and into the Church I found the holy water. It was a water “feature” that included the Baptismal font. There was a chamber group playing some music that sounded more fitting for a concert at the Eastman School of Music. After their “performance” the congregation applauded. I noticed that a beautiful side chapel to Mary had been gutted and the piano player and choir were using it, even though the Church has a beautiful choir loft and organ. The sacristy had been removed and an open area existed where I “think” the tabernacle might be. I don’t know since I was in the back of the Church “absorbing” everything. At the Prayers of the Faithful the Celebrant made it a point to “pray for our Gay and Lesbian brothers and sisters”. I am not going to make a judgment on his decision, but what is the purpose other than to be politically correct? There was no mention of the needy and the poor.

    I was most surprised at the Consecration when he invited all the children to come “up and stand around the Lord’s table”. I am sure he is trying to be inclusive, but it is really a distraction when one is trying to focus on the most sacred part of the Mass and kids are fidgeting and playing with their iPods and recently acquired stuffed animals from Disney World. Speaking of which, the high altar is no longer there. It along with several statues that I remember have been removed and replaced by a large green tapestry with a design that shows no significant religiosity. The beautiful natural pine pillars have been painted dark brown or purple, which cast a gloom over the interior structure of the Church. At the Communion I was the only person who knelt and stayed kneeling until the tabernacle was closed. (Although since I have no idea where the Tabernacle was located I was not sure what I should be doing).

    I asked some questions while I was in Rochester and was told that it has become an, albeit sad joke, that when you visit a parish it’s “find the tabernacle”. Some Churches have removed all icons. Others have jumbo flat screen TVs. It goes on and on. My greatest surprise was when I went online and saw what was done to beautiful Sacred Heart Cathedral. My wife was confirmed there in 1973 by Bishop Hogan and was assisted by Father John Whalen, my uncle. A few years ago eleven million dollars was spent to “renovate” the Cathedral. In the meantime cash strapped parishes were closing schools. They stripped the sanctuary of a beautiful statue of the Sacred Heart and replaced it with an unadorned cross. The pews were removed and padded chairs installed. To top it off they put the Baptismal font in the middle of the main aisle and it is the size of a resort hot tub. The Cathedral looks like a non-denominational television evangelical studio. I feel it is an architectural and fiscal disgrace.

    One last note on St. Louis. When I was young the Church was so busy that they had 7 Masses a weekend. All of them were full. Now they have five. When I attended 9AM Mass it wasn’t 60% full. It would seem to me that the “New Age” direction of the Diocese of Rochester offers little to those who wish to follow the traditional tenets of the Church. As proof I can point to a small Church in Rochester, Our Lady of Victory, which is full every weekend and draws people from 30 miles away. Why? Simply because it follows the Magisterium of the Church as endorsed by John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI.”

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