Last Sunday the New York Times’ Maureen Dowd published an almost incoherent rant aimed at Archbishop Timothy Dolan, Canon Lawyer Ed Peters, Newt Gingrich and the Catholic Church in general, all of whom are – in Dowd’s opinion – guilty of hypocrisy, political incorrectness and other high crimes for, among other things, having the audacity to publicly oppose gay ‘marriage’.
At one point in her screed Dowd even seemed to forget the liberal elite dogma that gay is always good when she wrote of the recently released John Jay Report (my emphasis),
It concluded, absurdly, that neither the all-male celibate priesthood nor homosexuality were causes [of clerical sexual abuse].
Now Michael Voris has picked up on another line in Dowd’s column and made it the jumping off point for this edition of The Vortex:
Hitting pretty close to home are Voris’ comments beginning at the 4:38 mark. From the online transcript …
For those who follow the affairs of the Church closely .. none of this is news. But for Catholics who don’t have time because they are busy raising a family and earning a living .. this turn of events is nothing short of shocking.
It begins to give a context and understanding to why the Church’s teaching on sexual morality is hardly ever whispered from the pulpit.
So many priests are either actively homosexual or at least support it .. that they can’t possibly preach about the evil of contraception or divorce and remarriage or cohabitation or fornication or pre-marital sex without compromising their own position.
Then of course .. there are the heterosexual priests who contact us and tell us that if they said one word in their homilies about homosexuality being intrinsically disordered and the acts evil .. the gay mafia priests in their diocese would make life hell for them.
That last paragraph called to mind a comment posted at 10 Reasons by Kit Brookside* in the fall of 2008. By way of background, Kit had already posted the following …
Readers should know that diocesan priests are treated like mid-level employees at the DOR. They are at the mercy of a number of lay administrators, financial auditors, and HR types who run the show. It is the latter who show up unannounced at rectories and Masses, and who report to the Bishop on the supposed “wrongdoings” of the more conservative priests.
… and had been asked by another reader (Susan) if she could amplify on her last sentence. Kit replied,
Susan – without causing trouble for or invading the privacy of those involved:
My first-hand sources advise that generally, any homily that forcefully sets forth traditional Church teachings on homosexuality (i.e., the idea of loving the sinner but acknowleding and calling the acts involved “sin” vs. total inclusion up to and including marriage), morality, modesty in behavior and Sunday dress, explaining why there will be no nuptial Masses for “mixed” (Catholic/non-Catholic or second (non-annulled) marriages, supporting the Church’s stance on female ordinations are inherently suspect. These topics can cause one to be privately counseled, particularly when a parishioner kicks up a fuss or is offended by it and calls Buffalo Road – such callers usually involve parents of gay adult children (who don’t like hearing that their actively homosexual child is living in a state of mortal sin), or people who are angry and blame the Church and/or the individual “hardliner” or “old fashioned” priest for refusing to marry them/a family member to a non-annulled or non-Catholic person.
Unfortunately, I can’t divulge further or be more specific than these rather commonplace occurrences – trust me, what I could tell you would be deeply shocking to most reading this – but I hope this gives you a sense, anyway.
Essentially, because the Diocese and its Bishop have been putting out the message that rules are meant to be broken, and have ratified and condoned the public statements and actions of [F]r. Joan, Charles Curran, and others of that ilk, anyone who tries to be a bulwark of the Truth is seen as an obstacle that must be disdained, humiliated, and ultimately removed. Worse, this Diocese’s laxity has led to a dilution of the “Brand” and an expectation that the person’s, and not the Lord’s, will shall be done here – that the Church must conform to the erosion of the culture in order to survive, and not the other way around. Embracing that disordered way of thinking has led to the mess the DOR is in today, whether those in charge deign to acknowledge it or not.
(The organ’s great, though, isn’t it? Heh.)
Comments on other threads have noted that we in DOR-land seldom (if ever) hear certain Catholic doctrines forcefully proclaimed from the pulpit, or certain sins forcefully condemned.
Now you know why.
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*For the benefit of newer readers, Kit Brookside is the pseudonym of a Southern Tier blogger who describes herself as “a Catholic mom, wife, lawyer, professor, daughter, sister, mentor, boss, and employee embarked on the perilous journey PAST 40.” Sadly, her blog has been inactive for almost a year now.
The homilies in the DOR are usually based on a scriptural passage from the Gospel that is fairly non- controversial or can be watered down to enable consciences to sleep. YOU WILL NEVER hear a sermon based on Catholic tradition, or heavy issues like abortion, financial exploitation of the poor or any other serious current issue.
Fairy tales most of the time begin with “once upon a time”. Sometimes they begin with ” if I am elected” if it is an election year , and most cardboard homilies/sermons begin with “my dear people”.
Homosexuality, for all intents and purposes, is one of the greatest threats to the Church and western civilization. It is high time we stand up for what is right, those 98% of us human beings who are heterosexual, and not only save our afflicted brothers and sisters from themselves, but the priesthood as well.
I’m sorry, but I’m having a hard time seeing anything very different about homosexual behavior than heterosexual, contracepted sexual behavior. In both instances, the natural meaning of the sexual act is perverted and God is completely excluded, as the naturally procreative meaning of the sexual act is excluded. Perhaps if the Church and its clergy were to fearlessly preach the meaning of Humanae Vitae, the faithful would more clearly see why contracepted sex is intrinsically evil, and we would more clearly see why homosexual behavior is disordered and sinful.
If, by our silence in the midst of this crooked and perverse, contraceptive culture, we allow the procreative meaning of sex to be severed from the unitive meaning, it’s difficult to then outspokenly condemn homosexual behavior, isn’t it?
If, by our silence in the midst of this crooked and perverse, contraceptive culture, we allow the procreative meaning of sex to be severed from the unitive meaning, it’s difficult to then outspokenly condemn homosexual behavior, isn’t it?
Not really because when a block of houses is going up in flames, you concentrate on where the fire is currently raging and worry about the houses that have already burned afterwards.
Divorcees and cohabitators are not trying to radically alter fundamental human concepts. Homosexuals are, and that is to the detriment of themselves, children, the world, and the Church. Its not even a close comparison.
Like abortion, some sins weigh more heavily than others. Right now, the sheer destructive force that is homosexual activism, is far more insidious than any other sins of the flesh, particularly due to its political and social agenda.
From time to time I read one of St. John Vianney’s homilies. Please read them if you haven’t. It is the context, the love and mercy of God, the narrow door, our need to pray always, Judgment. As has been well expressed here, we need to hear the call of St. John the Baptist to repent and do the Will of God, even if we lose our heads because of It, because we will save our souls, thanks be to Jesus. Happy Birthday, SJTB!!!