Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Upcoming Events

June 1st, 2011, Promulgated by Dr. K

Tomorrow (June 2nd): Feast of the Ascension

The Ascension is a holy day of obligation. Remember to attend Mass.

Saturday (June 4th): Priestly ordination

Deacon Dan Serbicki, a parishioner of Brockport’s Nativity parish, will be ordained a Catholic priest for the Diocese of Buffalo at St. Joseph Cathedral (Buffalo). The ordination Mass will start at 10 AM. Bishop Edward Kmiec presiding.

Saturday (June 4th): Diaconate ordinations

Eric Bessette, Donald Eggleston, John Hoffman, and Bob Lyons will be ordained to the diaconate for Rochester at Sacred Heart Cathedral. Bishop Matthew Clark presiding. The Mass will be offered at 10:30 AM.

Saturday (June 11th): Priestly ordination

Deacon Scott Caton, a parishioner of Our Lady of Victory parish downtown, will be ordained a Catholic priest for the Diocese of Rochester at Sacred Heart Cathedral. The ordination Mass begins at 10:30 AM. Bishop Matthew Clark presiding. This will likely be Bishop Clark’s final ordination as Bishop of Rochester since there are no seminarians scheduled to be ordained next year.

All are welcome to attend these ordination Masses.

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20 Responses to “Upcoming Events”

  1. Chris says:

    Isn’t there a deacon ordination on June 4 at Sacred Heart?

  2. Giovanni says:

    does anyone know of a mass today after 6pm?

  3. Hopefull says:

    Giovanni, there is a 7:00 PM Mass this evening at St. Bridget’s in Bloomfield.

  4. Giovanni says:

    Thank you, Hopeful!

  5. dmf says:

    Holy Cross in Charlotte has a 7 PM Mass.

  6. Persis says:

    Just curious as to why you listed an ordination in the Buffalo diocese and not the ordination of our own Deacons?

  7. Bruce says:

    Persis, these are priestly ordinations, and like it or not, are far more important. Unfortunately, the DoR has not had too many of those and is dying.

  8. Persis says:

    Sorry Bruce, I disagree.
    Yes priests are important, but Deacons also fill a valid role and it is my feeling that we should support those men too.

  9. Bruce says:

    Persis, only a priest can celebrate the Eucharist, which is the most important of the seven Sacraments. Only a priest can give absolution. Only a priest may give Extreme Unction. Only a bishop, and sometimes a priest, can confirm. Deacons are not as important, and the Church can function perfectly well without them. You’re simply wrong on this. You are free to disagree, but you are not free to be correct in this case. Truth is truth. Getting upset about it is about as useful as yelling at the sun for rising.

  10. annonymouse says:

    Blessed Kateri in Irondequoit has a 7PM mass – not sure which site.

  11. annonymouse says:

    Bruce – why so angry? We are called to live in joyful hope. How’s that working out for you?

    In that deacons cannot consecrate the Eucharist nor forgive sins (or perform “extreme unction” although that term went away before the Edsel), I agree with you that priests are indispensible. However, you see priests and deacons only in terms of “what they can do” sacramentally. I’d suggest you expand your horizons a bit. Deacons are sacramental symbols of Christ the Servant, and are called to a much different role than priests. Deacons give their lives in a calling to be servant leaders in the Church, making real and tangible Christ’s call to “wash each others’ feet” (Gospel of John) and serve the community and world, especially the poor and disenfranchised (see Matthew chapter 25). So in this respect, No, the Church CANNOT “function perfectly well without them” unless you think of the Church only as a Sacrament dispenser.

    Why jump down Persis’ throat so uncharitably?

  12. Bruce says:

    Nope, mouse, the fact remains that without priests, there is no Church. Period. Deacons are fine and dandy, but they’re not as important as priests and yes, the Church can exist without them if She had to. She cannot exist without priests. I’m not sure why you’re struggling with this, suffice to say that perhaps the DoR has begun to wear on you.

  13. annonymouse says:

    The fact is, the Church cannot exist without priests. After Vatican II, apparently the Bishops of the Church believe that She cannot (or at least should not) exist without deacons either – hence the establishment of the permanent diaconate by Vatican II and subsequent pronouncements, in recognition that the leadership of priests alone was seriously flawed (and in recognition of what millions of Nazi Catholics and Lutherans happily perpetrated 20 years before that).

    You, sir, do not understand what happened in Rome 50 years ago, but it’s high time you figure it out.

  14. Bruce says:

    LOL, mouse. You clearly believe in the failed theology of “rupture” post-Vatican II. The truth is, mouse, that the Church can exist very well without deacons. In fact, if deacons went away tomorrow, 99% of the Church would not notice. That is because they, rather like lay administrators, are not essential. Nice try though.

  15. Bruce says:

    Mouse, instead of lecturing on things you clearly do not understand, why don’t you stop avoiding the question? Do you really believe that deacons are as important as priests? Really?

  16. Louis E. says:

    Getting back to the question Persis asked,I believe the point is that the man being ordained for the Diocese of Buffalo is from the Diocese of Rochester.Perhaps he wasn’t “Clarky” enough in his theology/ecclesiology to be ordained locally.

  17. Diane Harris says:

    I’d like to continue the discussion on the role of the diaconate in DoR on a new thread I’m posting next, separate from the events calendar.

  18. dbb says:

    These new deacons… Permanent or transitive?

  19. annonymouse says:

    “In fact, if deacons went away tomorrow, 99% of the Church would not notice.”

    Sadly, Bruce, you may be right, if only because 99% of the Church does not know anything about the diaconate, even 50 years after the “non-rupture” Council re-established the permanent diaconate. And also perhaps because 99% of the Church does not fully understand that being a Catholic means more than going to Church and having sacraments dispensed to them.

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