Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

SSM vote to happen this week in NYS

June 13th, 2011, Promulgated by b a

There was much buzz today about the SSM issue and I cannot accurately report all the details without doing extensive research.   And by the time I do, things will have changed.  The following seems to be true:

  • Jim Alesi has reportedly caved and will vote YES on SSM.  There’s still time to call him (223-1800) and persuade him to do otherwise.
  • A vote will most likely happen this week.  It’s going to be close – don’t believe that it’s a done deal.  Along these lines – don’t believe the line that even if SSM is fended off this time, that it is ultimately inevitable.  Just look at abortion polls over the last several years for evidence that Americans can actually become more conservative on certain issues over time.   The same can happen with SSM.  The debate hasn’t even been had.  What we have is 20 years of brainwashing by the entertainment industry and our educational institutions.  The longer we fend off this attack, the more likely that the debate might actually be had.  If the debate is had, then SSM can’t possibly become law.
  • The undecided votes seem to be all about politics (“What will happen to my career if I vote yes/no?”) and no one seems to be asking the obvious question – “What is marriage?
  • The Diocese of Rochester has responded with the following audio clip:


  • 40 years of being mum on sin and other topics means that the Catholic Church has produced too many people who work against her Truth.  (see NYSCC facebook page)

Here’s some more phone numbers courtesy of the American Papist.  Feel free to call one or all of them:

Joe Addabbo (15, Queens) (518) 455-2322
James Alesi (55, Rochester suburbs) (518) 455-2015
Greg Ball (40, Putnam County) (518) 455-3111
Joe Griffo (47, Utica) (518) 455-3334
Mark Grisanti (60, Buffalo, Grand Island, Niagara Falls) (518) 455-3240
Shirley Huntley (10, Queens) (518) 455-3531
Carl Kruger (27, Brooklyn) (518) 455-2460
Andrew Lanza (24, Staten Island) (518) 455-3215
Betty Little (45, North Country stretching from Plattsburgh to Glens Falls) (518) 455-2811
Jack Martins (7, Nassau County/Garden City) 518-455-3265
Roy McDonald (43, north and east of Albany: Troy, Saratoga Springs, Clifton Park) (518) 455-2381

Something I’ve been meaning to post for a while and it seems like now is a good time.  I’ve been compiling a list of priests from the Diocese of Rochester who have signed the Manhattan Declaration (a document affirming nothing more than basic Christian morality):

  • Fr. Frank Fusare, CPM

Please ask your own priest to sign.  If he’s willing, let me know and I’ll add him to our growing list.  But don’t do that until you’ve called Jim Alesi.

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6 Responses to “SSM vote to happen this week in NYS”

  1. annonymouse says:

    As unfunny and serious as this issue is, I did stop to laugh at the audio clip released by DoR.

  2. JLo says:

    Father Fusare is from our diocese (Elmira, I believe), but he is not diocesan… he’s a Mercy Father, isn’t he? +JMJ

  3. A Catholic says:

    JLo – Fr. Fusare was ordained for the Diocese of Rochester but left to join the Fathers of Mercy. He is a good and faithful priest, willing to teach the ENTIRE Catholic Faith, including moral teachings that some in the DOR are uncomfortable with.

  4. Ben Anderson says:

    apparently Colson is stealing ideas from me (probably not, be he supports what I mentioned about inevitability):

  5. Louis E. says:

    State Senator Grisanti of Buffalo ( has moved from “no” to “undecided”.

    Meanwhile,the Assembly vote was closer than before,80-63 when bills need 75 votes to pass;if the Senate can be kept from approving it,and next year sees five of the 65 Dems who voted yes wise up,get replaced by smarter ones,or get replaced by Republicans,the bill won’t pass the Assembly again.

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