Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Short Again

June 2nd, 2011, Promulgated by Dr. K

The Diocese of Rochester’s annual Catholic Ministries Appeal (CMA) tax has fallen short of its goal once again. This year the diocese raised $5.25 million, which is roughly $350,000 shy of the $5.6 million goal. All parishes who did not reach their assessment will have to make up the deficit.



2 Responses to “Short Again”

  1. Diane Harris says:

    It looks like 63 out of 110 parishes didn’t make goal. You can see more by parish at

  2. Dan says:

    I don’t believe that 363 parishioners at Sacred Heart Cathedral donated $87,667 to the CMA. Most of the parishioners never returned to the cathedral after Bishop Clark’s infamous building renovation.

    I do believe that the bishop instructed the pastor to inflate the numbers just to try and make the parish look good on the list. The truth shall always prevail. All of the parishioners in the Diocese of Rochester are financing Sacred Heart Cathedral.

    It still makes the hair on the back of the bishop’s neck stand up straight when parishioners say that it is “Bishop Clark’s Thanksgiving Appeal”.

    The bishop’s low popularity from all of the parish and school closings and cathedral renovation was the reason he changed the name of the appeal. This was a ploy to change the image of the campaign and try to raise more money. It didn’t work.

    God Bless Cleansing Fire and the Internet.

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