Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

It’s July! Print Your Monthly Prayer Requests for Priests

June 30th, 2011, Promulgated by b a

It’s July! Print your Monthly Prayer Request for Priests Calendar.


2 Responses to “It’s July! Print Your Monthly Prayer Requests for Priests”

  1. Raymond Rice says:


    We have a scarcity of “home grown” vocations here in Rochester so the bishop bought some in South America. He of course ignored the fact that there is a serious shortage of vocations there too!! However, faced with walking from village to village in South America or driving a Toyota Camry from church to church here in New York, , some decisions are easier than others to make.

  2. Ben Anderson says:

    1) anon-77154, there most certainly is a priest shortage. Seeing the names on these calendars might make it seem like we’ve got more than enough to go around, but alas, we do not.

    2) according to this comment it was Mary Reilich who instituted the monthly prayer calendar, but she died years ago. I do not know who keeps it up currently. That would be good to know since I post it each month. You can read more about the ministry on their web site. If anyone has more info, please let me know.

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