In New York State, the Democrat party is largely in control of the government. The state Assembly’s majority is Democrat, and so is the Governorship. For some time now, the liberals in Albany have been trying to push through a law that would legalize homosexual marriage. They have been unsuccessful so far thanks to the slim Republican majority in the state Senate. Noticing that a handful of conservatives lawmakers are standing in the way of their goal of legalized gay marriage, the D&C’s editorial board is doing whatever it can to eliminate the Republican majority in the senate and pave the way for gay marriage in New York. It appears that the paper hopes to achieve full Democratic control in the NYS government by pushing for a redistricting bill that would benefit the Democrat party.
Here is the conclusion of the D&C editorial board commentary on this bill:
“Given this scenario, Cuomo should force the hand of the GOP Senate majority. He must push harder for a floor vote on his independent redistricting bill, which has strong Assembly support.
Let New Yorkers see that this time the special interests that usually run Albany from behind the scenes are mainly Senate Republicans who desperately want to cling onto the power they’re holding by a thread [emphasis].”
For the sake of marriage in New York, let’s hope that Senate Republicans “cling onto the power.”
Tags: Democrats, Homosexuality, Politics, Progressive Drivel, Reflection
I just sent a letter to two local papers in my area criticizing an ad they ran for “New Yorkers United For Marriage”,with the spokescouple saying their son “is gay.In New York,that means he’s not allowed to get married”…of course he has the same right to marry as anyone else,regardless of his reason for wanting to do other things.
As of today,the three Democrats and your own Alesi HAVE CAVED on same-sex marriage…the homosexual lobby just need one out of three undecided Republicans (including the guy from my own district).