Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Alesi backed by one of his new-found friends

June 30th, 2011, Promulgated by Mike

NY State Senator James “For Sale To The Highest Bidder” Alesi has already begun to reap the rewards for going back on his word to his constituents to support traditional marriage.

Today’s Democrat & Chronicle is reporting that Alesi and New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg held a press conference Wednesday morning after a private meeting at Gracie Mansion.

According to the story,

“James Alesi is one of those people that I think has shown courageous leadership on marriage equality, and I invited him here today to say thank you,” Bloomberg told reporters.

“I think it’s fair to say that his decision to become the first Republican to publicly announce his support for marriage equality was the tipping point in the debate. He paved the way for others to follow and for one of the most important pieces of legislation in New York’s history to be passed.”

Bloomberg has been a major campaign contributor to Senate Republicans over the years, and his support would be helpful to Alesi, who is expected to face a strong challenge when he seeks re-election next year.

“I will support those who are doing the right thing for America and for the world, and particularly for New York state and New York City. And I’ve done that before,” Bloomberg said.

It will be interesting to see if the big-money backers of the homosexual agenda can do enough to help Alesi save his political hide.  The early indications aren’t very encouraging: Almost all the comments on the story are running strongly against Alesi.



3 Responses to “Alesi backed by one of his new-found friends”

  1. militia says:

    James Alesi,
    a Wholey-Owned Subsidiary of Andrew Cuomo

  2. Jim says:

    Jim M. here: Mr. Alesi aka Judas, has earned his thirty pieces of silver by betraying his trust to those who voted him in as a conservative/moderate Republican. It will now be an uphill battle for him from now on. People don’t forget, and his political career will probably be on the rocks.

  3. A Catholic says:

    I regret all the times I voted for him. As Jim M. says, he betrayed us. And it’s laughable how Bloomberg and everyone else continue to cloak the whole gay marriage thing with the “doing the right thing” mantle. The moral disintegration of our society continues and most of our elected officials pat each other on the back, proud to be a part of it.

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