Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Take Action on Marriage – Call your Senator

May 9th, 2011, Promulgated by b a

Gov. Andrew Cuomo and gay “marriage” advocates are pulling out all the stops in their attempt to end our traditional and historic understanding of marriage as the lifelong union of a man and a woman. The Governor is touring the state and backing an expensive media campaign in an attempt to pressure Senators from both parties into authorizing same-sex “marriage.” These advocates are planning to descend on the state Capitol in force soon in their final push. It is critical that you CALL your state Senator immediately to say you are a constitutent and you are counting on his or her vote to defend the institution of marriage. Just enter your zip code at right for the phone number and suggested talking points.

Now you have no excuse for not “doing something”.  It couldn’t be any easier than following the above steps (start by clicking the link).

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3 Responses to “Take Action on Marriage – Call your Senator”

  1. Scott W. says:

    When is the vote? I’ll certainly pray for New Yorkers.

  2. Louis E. says:

    Do NOT just call YOUR Senator…call the Senators whose votes are under specific pressure to flip-flop,such as Shirley Huntley,Jioseph Addabo,and Carl Kruger.

  3. Ben Anderson says:

    When is the vote?

    AFAIK – we’re not to that point yet. Gov. Cuomo is just trying to rally support at this point.

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