Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

St. Francis of Assisi and St. Hyacinth, Auburn

May 20th, 2011, Promulgated by Bernie

St. Francis of Assisi Church


St. Hyacinth Church


St. Hyacinth also has a dome over the altar.


I stumbled onto the website of the parish of St. Francis of Assisi & St. Hyacinth in Auburn and found photos of the beautiful interiors of both churches. I’m a big fan of the use of a ciborium or baldachin (and variations of such) over altars in chancels. I’ve outlined the history of the use of such structures in a previous post. Briefly, they communicate the sense of a sacred space and call to mind the Holy of Holies in the Jerusalem Temple and the Mystical Bridal Chamber. In addition they remind me of the monumental memorials erected over the Holy Sepulchre, the baldachin erected over the tomb of Peter, and ciboria erected over the tombs and altars of the holy martyrs.

St. Francis Church seems to still have its old high altar which is especially nice since it will allow any priest to easily celebrate the EF of the Mass. How nice to have the flexibility to offer both forms –true diversity.

Both churches are quite Catholic and nobly beautiful and focus our attention on the worship of God.

The parish statement on its website’s homepage is helpful in giving us a snapshot of where these folks’ heads are at:

The people of St. Francis of Assisi /St. Hyacinth Parish Cluster of Auburn, are dedicated to God by our Baptism, deeply rooted in the past, living in the present, and building for the future. We listen faithfully to God’s word in the spirit of St. Francis and St. Hyacinth. We celebrate the Eucharist together weekly, and as active members of the body of Christ, become signs of His presence here. Guided by the Holy Spirit, we co-operate in establishing the Kingdom of God on earth and provide for human needs as a friendly neighbor.”

I particularly like its reference to continuity through tradition as expressed in “deeply rooted in the past, living in the present, and building for the future.” I also like that the statement says that the churches understand and live the scriptures with the guidance of their patron saints. I wish parishes would more often call to mind the model of their patron saints.

St. Francis of Assisi, 301 Clark St. Mass Times: Tues., Thur., Sat., 9am; Sat., (anticipation) 4pm Sun., 9:15am; Confession: Sat., 8:30am and 3pm

St. Hyacinth, 61 Pulaski St. Mass Times: Mon., Wed., Fri., 9am; Sat. (anticipation) 5:15pm; Sun., 10:30am Confession: Sat., 4:30pm

Pastoral Administrator is Deacon Gary DiLallo; Sacramental Ministers are Frs. Michael Brown, Richard Murphy, Felicjan Sierotowicz, Michael Conboy, Joseph Bonsu; and Deacon James Steiger

It is usually a good sign when a parish prominently posts a good photo of its church interior on the homepage of its website.

Parish Website

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