I can’t get to every church in the diocese. Actually, I don’t have time to go to very many at all. It’s even harder given that now many, if not most, are locked-up during the day. Some don’t even have daily Mass in the actual church. So, I search the web looking at church websites in the hopes of finding photographs of the ‘physical plants’ -interiors, exteriors, stations, art work, and grounds. It’s telling how many parish websites do not offer the viewer any pictures of their “worship spaces.” The ones that do often have very beautiful and sacred sanctuaries that the parish takes pride in. It often turns out that the ones that don’t display photos often don’t have anything to look at anyway. They are plain and unadorned (purposely so if you recall some of my previous posts on churches built or renovated to be ‘non-churches‘).
Here is St. Catherine of Siena Church in Addison, part of the Sts. Isidore and Maria Torriba Parish of the Central Steuben Catholic Parishes. The folks there have something beautiful to look at. (I hope these aren’t old photos.)
Tags: Liturgical art, Liturgical Environment, Orthodoxy at Work
These photos are accurate. Many All Saints parishioners in Corning (including me) drive to this church or St. Joseph the Worker in Campbell. Father Pat Connor and Father Francis Erb are wonderful priests, true humble servants, who preside over traditional Catholic masses. I would like to thank them and all the parishioners for welcoming us Corning people (who no longer have a traditional Catholic parish).