Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Reproductive Rights Bill Threatens Again

May 29th, 2011, Promulgated by Hopefull

In at least some churches this weekend, and on very short notice, people were told that the Reproductive Rights Bill will be rearing its ugly head again THIS WEEK, on Ascension Thursday to be exact.  June 2 is the day for the Committee vote in the Assembly to bring this to the floor for vote, and now is the time to call / fax / email our Assembly representatives with our objections.  We signed petitions at church this morning, and that is good, but hopefully those who can do even more will do so.  This  info was confirmed in an email from Rochester Area Right-to-Life. 

Why is it important to oppose this bill?  Because it would make abortion a “fundamental right” up to and through the 9th month of pregnancy.  It is essentially permission for murder at birth.  It also will put even more of a sinful burden on Catholic hospitals and Catholic doctors.

Please contact your NYS Assembly Representative at his/her Albany or local office and say:  “Please oppose the Reproductive Health Act.  It is harmful to women.”    Remember that not all the representatives are pro-abortion, and courtesy as well as clarity matter.  If it does come out of committee, we will need to go back to those same people to ask them to oppose it on the Assembly floor.  Credibility and persistence are key.   We need to convince them that there is considerable opposition to the bill.  God bless you for anything you can do!



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