The oft-rumored and long-delayed instruction related to issues administering the Holy Father’s motu proprio Summorum Pontificim will be released this Friday. For those unaware, Summorum Pontificum was the Pope’s way of freeing many of the restrictions on the celebration of the Church’s Traditional Latin Mass, so that priests everywhere can celebrate this form of the liturgy without the prior permission of their bishop. We still only have one Extraordinary Form Mass in the Diocese of Rochester, but hopefully as more traditional younger men are ordained to the priesthood in this diocese, the number of available EF Masses will grow.
See here.
Tags: Latin Mass, Liturgy, News and Media
Does this mean that we will have bells (Sanctuary, communion) to ring during the Mass??
What is the purpose of this comment, Raymond?
Doctor K; wondering if it will just be a language change or if all of the protocals will be restored/that’s all!!
In my lifetime I have attended about 5 thousand Latin masses and about 2 thousand English masses/I guess I was wondering what was going to happen!!!