Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

There Be Dragons Movie @ the Little

April 26th, 2011, Promulgated by b a

I got this email from a friend:

The movie ,“There be Dragons” is coming to the Little Theatre starting May 6, and running through May 13th. We have reserved the theatre, seating 290 people, for the evening of the 7th. We will have a refreshments and dessert after the movie at the theatre,in a separate room.  This movie is very well done, by Roland Joffe, telling the story at the time of the Spanish Civil War, and the decisions that were made between two childhood buddies, one being St. José Marie.  If you get this around to all the people that you know, for I am sure that all who see it will enjoy it.

A couple flyers were included.

Save The Date

Flyer For Priests



6 Responses to “There Be Dragons Movie @ the Little”

  1. dbb says:

    Not to be a downer here, but most of my film buds that have seen this movie aren’t enjoying it that much, even the Catholic ones. The fact that it’s directed by Roland Joffe, the man responsible for that horrible Scarlet Letter adaptation doesn’t exactly whet my appetite either.

  2. dbb says:

    The original screenwriter has disavowed the film too:

    (It’s the first comment.)

  3. Ben Anderson says:

    thanks for sharing that, dbb.

  4. Rosie says:

    Independently of anything, the movie is doing a lot of good:
    Many people are discovering God and the power of forgiveness, starting with the actors themselves:
    Another testimony from Spain:
    “I am writing to thank you for having made this film. A few weeks ago I called a friend of mine to tell him that my wife and I had decided to divorce. We have a daughter. This friend told me: “Before you do that, you have to watch There Be Dragons.” I went to see the movie with my wife, accompanied by this friend. We left the theater crying and unable to speak. We spent all that night talking about it, because we realized that the problem was not in our relationship as husband and wife, but that we had not been able to identify and overcome our own inner dragons. The real problems were in each one of us. So we have decided to focus our struggles on that, to overcome our dragons, and not to talk about divorce any more. We have also decided to try to have a new child.” Enrique Lorenzo, Madrid, April 20, 2011

  5. Celia says:

    I saw “The Mission” and “The Killing Fields”, both films by Joffe. Both were absolutely fantastic movies. Some of the reviews I have read mention that “There Be Dragons” have the same precise detail in recreating the period of the movie and first class production values as in his previous good films. A director can make some shockers like “The Scarlett Letter” but still produce gems as well.
    I am really looking forward to seeing this movie.

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