Today is Wednesday of Holy Week, also called “Spy Wednesday.” The reason behind this is that this is the day on which Judas first transpired with the chief priests and the elders to hand Jesus over to their desires. He acted deviously and secretly, thus “spy” Wednesday. There is a beautiful motet sung during Holy Week which is called “Iudas, Mercator Pessimus.” The translation and original text are below, along with a video for your viewing pleasure.
- English:
- Judas, the vile merchant,
- required a kiss from the Lord
- who, like an innocent lamb,
- did not deny the kiss to Judas.
- For a large amount of dinarii,
- he betrayed Christ to the Jews.
- It would have been better for him,
- had he not been born.
- Latin:
- Iudas mercator pessimus
- osculo petiit Dominum
- ille ut agnus innocens
- non negavit Iudae osculum.
- Denariorum numero
- Christum Iudaeis tradidit.
- Melius illi erat
- si natus non fuisset.
Tags: Holy Week and the Triduum, Liturgy, Music Sacred Catholic Liturgical and Chant