Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

In defense of pseudonymous blogging

April 28th, 2011, Promulgated by Bernie

From the New Theological Movement

It happens occasionally that a reader of the New Theological Movement – or more often a one-time visitor with a grudge – will demand to know the identities of the writers of this blog. Rarely is this in any way related to the theology being presented, but more often it is purely out of curiosity (which St. Thomas considers to be a vice). Nor is this phenomenon limited to the New Theological Movement: It seems that just about anyone who consistently maintains a pseudonymous blog (if it is at all popular) will be criticized for this pseudonymity.
In this short post, we will make a defense of pseudonymity, and specifically, of pseudonymous …
Read New Theological Movement.

5 Responses to “In defense of pseudonymous blogging”

  1. Eliza10 says:

    I agree that curiosity is a vice. We all have our bouts with it ins some way/extent or the other. Its important to recognize it in ourselves and discipline it.

  2. Raymond Rice says:

    If we did not have curiosity, where would the medical profession be???

  3. Scott W. says:

    If we did not have curiosity, where would the medical profession be???

    I think we would need to read St. Thomas’ actual words on the subject. And I think we would find a difference between genuine and healthy inquisitiveness and sticking your nose in someone else’s business.

  4. Raymond F. Rice says:

    I think that we might use nouns and their accompanying adjectives more precisely!! Thomas is talking about IDLE curiosity as opposed to intellectual curiosity.

  5. Scott W. says:

    I think that we might use nouns and their accompanying adjectives more precisely!!

    True. I have a bad habit of reading people in the best possible light and supplying their probable meaning, and if I’m still really stumped, asking them.

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