Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Renovating the Renovations

March 31st, 2011, Promulgated by Bernie

From the New Liturgical Movement website.

by Shawn Tribe

Take heart! Here is a happy renovation of a church.

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Before and After

St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church in the Diocese of Lake Charles, Louisiana have recently undergone some renovations after a hurricane flooded their parish church. They took the opportunity to make various changes to the church, including the addition of a communion rail, the re-location of the tabernacle to the centre of the sanctuary, an addition to the…

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8 Responses to “Renovating the Renovations”

  1. Gen says:

    IMHO, any church building has the potential to be beautiful, and mirror God’s glory as it ought to. It’s really amazing how so little work can make a place look infinitely more holy, such as just adding a Benedictine altar arrangement or putting the tabernacle back on the main axis.

    Note that the “so little work” comment doesn’t apply to this particular church. They obviously put a ton of work into this project.

  2. Dan says:

    Note to Gen: Please add this item on the list of things to do: Ask our “new” Bishop of the Diocese of Rochester to return all tabernacles to the center of the altar.

  3. Kevin says:

    What a renovation!

  4. Mortar says:


  5. Abaccio says:

    The amazing thing is that they changed the church from grayscale to technicolour!

  6. A Catholic says:

    Very funny, Abaccio! I agree that this hopefully will happen (renovation of the renovations) in the DOR once we have new leadership- make our churches look like houses of worship again.

  7. I love the After. They did a beautiful job on the renovation of St. Peter Church in Louisiana.

  8. Maureen says:

    Yes!!! Please Your Excellency (of our hopeful, collective future), may we quit treating Our Lord like Waldo so we don’t have to hunt to find where He’s located in His Own Home? He’s so hidden from us out here in the world, what has prompted His priests to hide Him from us in Church too? How and why did this little game begin?

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