Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Cleveland Balks at Church Stained-glass Removal

March 23rd, 2011, Promulgated by Bernie

From San Antonio Express News

CLEVELAND (AP) — Cleveland’s city council is balking at a move to allow the Roman Catholic diocese to remove stained-glass windows from closed churches.

The council delayed a vote Monday on a measure…

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2 Responses to “Cleveland Balks at Church Stained-glass Removal”

  1. Dr. K says:

    At least the Cleveland diocese wishes to reuse its Catholic art. The DoR has no desire to incorporate stained glass windows, large statues, or anything else that is too Pre-Vatican II into our newer churches.

  2. Maureen says:

    When I sold my home I could not even take the drapes, much less the windows! There are instances when the baby will indeed go with the bath water…These antique, often beautifully crafted works of art are fetching a pretty penny these days.

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