Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

500 Days Until Hope and Change

March 2nd, 2011, Promulgated by Dr. K

It seems like yesterday that we marked 1,000 days until hope and change finally comes to the Diocese of Rochester. Now we’re at 500. My friends, brighter days are around the corner. It is very possible that by the end of next year, we will have a new leader and the renewal of this diocese may begin. Continue praying for the good of the diocese and never lose hope. Remember, “you can’t hold back the spring!” After more than 40 years of winter encompassing two progressive episcopates, I’d say we’re long overdue.

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3 Responses to “500 Days Until Hope and Change”

  1. Scott W. says:

    In a perfect scenario the new bishop shows up at the diocesan offices at 11:59PM of the last day with a crew of movers and a U-haul all with synchronized watches going, “3…2…1…NOW!!”

  2. Eliza10 says:

    It is a very, very good thing! 500 days is not so much. Meanwhile, God has not left us without resources. We can fortify ourselves with the Holy Mass and with Eucharistic Adoration, and prayer. And lets not forget that we are blessed with Catholic radio – not everybody is! And by the rich graces of God we can practice Christian charity and seek to do God’s will in our lives. And then we can be more ready to assist in whatever way God would lead us when renewal starts in the DOR.

  3. annonymouse says:

    In the meantime, let us continue to keep our bishop in our prayers.

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