Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Eucharisticum Mysterium on the Liturgical Norms

February 15th, 2011, Promulgated by Dr. K

The Laws of the Church Must Be Faithfully Observed in Celebrating Mass
Especially in the celebration of the Eucharist, no one, not even a priest, may on his own authority add, omit, or change anything in the Liturgy. Only the supreme authority of the Church, and, according to the provisions of the law, the bishop and the episcopal conferences, may do this. Priests should, therefore, ensure that they so preside over the celebration of the Eucharist that the faithful know that they are taking part not in a rite established on private initiative, but in the Church’s public worship, the regulation of which was entrusted by Christ to the Apostles and their successors.”

Eucharisticum Mysterium 45

May 25th, 1967



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