Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Condoms in Schools Sparks Conversation

February 5th, 2011, Promulgated by b a

YNN Reports (there’s video if you follow the link)

Teen pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, and increasing HIV rates are prompting a conversation in schools and the community about the effectiveness of teaching abstinence. A plan to make condoms available in Rochester high schools is causing some disagreement among parents. It’s a long debated issue that’s front and center once again.

The Catholic Diocese of Rochester did not want to comment on the issue before studying the proposal. [wow! just wow! Resorting to the crickets again.]




6 Responses to “Condoms in Schools Sparks Conversation”

  1. Dr. K says:

    Their silence speaks volumes.

  2. Ben Anderson says:

    yes – you’re right anon. I guess I’m not really wowed. Their response is basically, “don’t ask us – we’re not allowed to tell you what we really think”. This is pretty consistent with DOR – push the progressivist agenda, but be discreet about it so as not to draw too much ire from Rome and to keep the masses in ignorance of what they really stand for.

  3. Jim R says:

    “Condoms in Schools Sparks Conversation” No doubt about that!!!

    “Come on over to my place tonight.”
    “OK. You got a condom?”
    “Got 5 from the counseling office. Shall we test one at lunch behind the gym?”
    “Sure! See you then. I’ve enjoyed our conversation.”
    “Me, too.”

  4. Jim R says:


    You do know that the USA endorsed slavery until after the American Civil War?

    Just a hint here, guy, but the American Civil War ended in 1865 – some 300+ years AFTER the Church last “endorsed” slavery as you note above.

    Also, do you know St. Paul “endorses” slavery in his epistles? Perhaps liberal Catholics, like yourself, would like to edit Paul out of the Bible? Perhaps that’s why you edit out anything you, in your superior knowledge and gnosis, disagree with.

    No doubt you will renounce American citizenship promptly along with Christianity in general. But, maybe you’ve really already done the latter? Or, maybe you are simply a self-hating Catholic? Maybe, not even Catholic – and never were??

  5. Dr. K says:

    Thank you for your response to Gordon. I have removed his posts because he spammed the same comment to five different articles, most of which were largely unrelated to his rant.

  6. Jim R says:

    C’mom Dr. K. Put Gordo back! Pompous ignorance is such a great foil! 🙂

    NO NEED TO POST – don’t know how to comment otherwise.

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