In their new series “The Chicago Code,” FOX producers and directors (henceforth “meddlers”) took it upon themselves to alter a classic television and film scenario. Picture this: a policeman, finding himself confronted with a moral dilemma, wanders into a Catholic church and kneels down in prayer. You can practically smell the beeswax candles, maybe even see a faint pall of incense hanging in the air. The policeman silently fingers his rosary, while fighting an inner battle between what is right and what is easy. Then you hear footsteps coming down the aisle, and a kindly priest in his clerical garb stops, bends low, and whispers words of wisdom and comfort to the afflicted lawman.
But what’s this? Not on FOX?
Alas, no. In the particular episode in question, one of the main characters of the series, Wysocki, stops by a Catholic church and finds himself being offered spiritual counsel, not from a priest, but from a nun in street-clothes.
I don’t know about you, but I’d rather see a priest fulfilling that sort of role on television. After all, the real thing is terrifying enough without having to see it reenacted in the sanctuaries of our living rooms.
(On that note: Sr. Joan Sobala will be taking the place of District Attorney Jack McCoy in Law and Order’s next season. After all, if she can pretend to be a priest, she can pretend to be anything.)
(Photo credit for Sr. Joan: Emily McKean Photography)
Tags: Joan, Progressive Drivel, St. Anne, Thou Shalt Laugh
Love the picture.
“In the Diocese of Rochester, there are two separate… these are their stories.”
Ummmm….Apparently in the Anglican world (either ACC or ECUSA), what you ascribe to McCoy is actually happening.
Answer to Anonymous: Because so much disfunction is routed in sin, and so much “counseling” is to get people comfortable with their sin. For Catholics especialy, the best result of counseling would be forgiveness of past sin and a firm amendment not to sin. Only a priest can deliver the forgiveness, through the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
I’ve even had the wild thought that priests should have an hour before hearing confessions for “free spiritual counseling” in the box. It could be a half step on the way back to confession or even back to the church. Get people comfortable “in the box” too.
Why is a Sister better at counseling than a priest with pastoral training?