Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Your Typical Bishop Clark Children’s Mass

January 4th, 2011, Promulgated by Dr. K

A reader sends along the following video clip from a children’s Mass presided over by Bishop Clark.

[flv:geneva.flv 400 320]

Does there always need to be a song and/or dance routine during Bishop Clark’s Masses? Is the Holy Mass some kind of theatrical play where the objective is to keep everyone in the audience entertained in order to garner positive reviews?

The reader also sends an image of the children carrying in the altar linens before placing it upon the altar. How many times have we seen this goofy ritual in Bishop Clark Masses?

Enough with the theatrics. Just celebrate the Mass and cut out this unnecessary feel-good garbage. Most importantly, progressives, stop using children to carry out your liturgical abuses.

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10 Responses to “Your Typical Bishop Clark Children’s Mass”

  1. Choirloft says:

    The church is Saint Francis deSales in Geneva. It is one of the most beautiful churches in the diocese.

  2. RochChaCha says:

    Whomever pulled this off is a liturgical genius. The reverence of all these kids parading around the altar gives me such hope for the future. Forward in Hope is what the diocese may call it. I’d call it something much different.

  3. Matt says:

    It’s St Stephen in Geneva, Choir

  4. Choirloft says:

    Matt – I was wrong. It is indeed St. Stephen’s. I had St. Francis DeSales on my mind, I guess. Sorry for the mistake.

  5. Matt says:

    Alas, St. Francis DeSales is now horribly ugly. It used to be perhaps the most lovely church in the diocese, but that was over 100 years and 2 fires ago.

  6. Bernie says:

    It’s all about us!

  7. verdi says:

    [Deleted by moderator]

  8. Dr. K says:

    You were warned about the name-calling, verdi. Good bye!

  9. Christopher says:

    Dr K. I’m going to play devil’s advocate to help flesh out this article more for those silent lurkers who are reading and might be thinking, “Well this guy has a problem with kids doing a sign language song in church, he’s probably 80 yrs old and grumpy, I think it’s good cause it gets kids involved in mass which makes them more holy cause they aren’t just sitting in the pew bored not understanding what’s going on. The song is very peaceful, they are holding hands which is a sign of love for one another (a concept more kids should learn at that age). It makes them feel like they are part of something and gets them engaged. And since when does sign language equal progressive drivel, that sounds like something borderline offensive to the deaf community?”

    Please remember that you have new progressive viewers each day that need to be educated with each and every post.

  10. Louis E. says:

    Are you sure those kids aren’t just practicing to carry the next bishop’s Cappa Magna?

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