Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

The Train Kept A-Rollin’

January 6th, 2011, Promulgated by Dr. K

The clustering and consolidation of parishes in the diocese continues. St. Vincent DePaul, St. Mary of the Assumption, and St. Columba will be clustering this June under a single leader. A new (most likely reduced) Mass schedule will soon be announced to these parishes:

Two of these three churches are currently led by lay “Pastoral Administrators.”

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2 Responses to “The Train Kept A-Rollin’”

  1. Jim says:

    Jim M. here: Dr. K, are these parishes in Churchville, Scottsville and Caledonia? If so, that seems like a lot of territory between the sites!

  2. Dr. K says:

    You are correct.

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