Some of the staff discussed an amendment to our site’s banner. Before I launch myself into redesigning it, I thought I should ask for your input. I would like you to leave in the comment box below your suggestions for what should be the Latin mottoes on our site. Right now we have “Just and Firm of Purpose,” “Guide Me In Your Virtue, and Teach Me,” and “In Light’s Absence, Darkness Conquers.” These are all very apt, I grant you, but I thought it might be fruitful for you to put forth your own ideas. We’ll probably be putting our English “mission statement” on the new banner, “Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Rochester.” However, there’s still going to be room for something . . . and that’s where this little initiative comes in. Let it not be said that I didn’t desire your full, active participation in our liturgy of dialogue.
All I ask of you is that you keep in mind the seriousness of our endeavor. For all our humor posts, our snarkiness, our sardonic confrontation of lunacy, we are motivated by a love for the Church, her liturgy, and her ministers. It’s not so much a question of what we disapprove of, but it is certainly a matter of what ought to have a voice and doesn’t.
The person whose suggestion sates my desire for freshness will be rewarded with a Cleansing Fire magnet for his or her refrigerator.
Might I suggest Matthew 16:18
Et ego dico tibi, quia tu es Petrus, et super hanc petram ædificabo Ecclesiam meam, et portæ inferi non prævalebunt adversus eam.
In Perry We Trust
Joshua 24:15
“And if you be unwilling to serve the LORD, choose this day whom you will serve… as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.”
I think that the everything should remain the same except the background. It looks like something out of hell rather than what it is supposed to be. The all black background does not convey the idea of “cleansing fire.” Make it a little lighter, a little more “joyful”‘ in it”s presentation. That’s my only comment, for once.
Good stuff!
The idea behind the color scheme and layout is that the blog is serving as a light of hope in the darkness which is our diocese. The fire represents those who are on fire for Christ.
(Words of the late Msgr. Richard K. Burns):
“All for the Honor and Glory of God.”
Jim M. here: Mary, I like your comment from Msgr. Burns, having know him from St. Thomas. He also use to call us: “Child of God”….how about: “We are the children of God.”
I have mixed feelings about using just Latin. I don’t speak it or read it and I am sure
I am not alone. Is there space enough to keep Latin but include an English translation as well? This website IS a light in the darkness. Keep doing good and faithful work!
We proclaim One Eternal God in Three Persons, and the Son of God, Jesus Christ, come in the flesh, born of the Blessed and Ever Virgin Mary, for the salvation of all men.
The prayer that Jesus Himself gave us in the “Our Father”
Fiat Voluntas tua sicut in coelo et in terra
Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.
Fiat Voluntas Tua – “Thy Will be done” we will then be putting the website in God’s Hands for His Glory and not depending on self!
Good one.
In a sense Rick D. mentioned my suggestion. From John 1:5 — “Lux in tenebris lucet” (The/a light shines in the darkness).
The (truly) indispensable source of news, information and commentary about the Diocese of Rochester, N.Y.
^stealing the Courier’s slogan…