Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Another Spiritus Offshoot

January 22nd, 2011, Promulgated by Dr. K

First, Rochester’s excommunicated Spiritus Christi church established churches in Elmira and Buffalo, then Denise Donato (a fake priestess of Spiritus) left Spiritus to create her own “Mary Magdalene church“, now Chava Redonnet (another Spiritus fake priestess) is jumping in the fun by starting her own church called the Oscar Romero church.

From the St. Joseph House of Hospitality website:

“All are welcome to attend Rev. Chava Redonnet’s [invalid] Mass every Sunday at 11 AM at Saint Joe’s House of Hospitality, 402 South Avenue. Experience first hand the new Oscar Romero Church, an inclusive church in the Catholic Tradition.”

The reason I’m posting this is not simply to report on the schismatics establishing yet another church that will draw a small handful of people (they are going for quantity over quality), but rather to point out once again how involved the Diocese of Rochester is in the St. Joseph House of Hospitality, which is largely run by the schismatics of Spiritus Christi. Ms. Redonnet is the chaplain at this organization.

If you go to the website for the house and click on the Religious Services link, you will be taken to a list of “ecumenical services” offered weekly at this organization. Sure enough, there are some schismatics in the list, including the excommunicated Jim Callan of Spiritus, as well as a few Protestant ministers. There are also, however, two active Roman Catholic priests in good standing with the Diocese of Rochester who offer “ecumenical services” at the St. Joseph House of Hospitality. These include Fr. Tracy (St. Frances Xavier Cabrini) and Fr. Donnelly (St. Mary downtown). There are also two religious sisters, though I am unsure of their present membership in the Church, or lack thereof.

Here is a screen shot:

Why are these Diocese of Rochester priests offering services and rubbing elbows with the leaders of a church who was excommunicated by Bishop Clark a little more than a decade ago? Is this sort of activity appropriate? Doesn’t it appear to legitimize the schismatics of Spiritus which include Callan, Redonnet, and co. to have Rochester priests offering services alongside them at the St. Joseph House? It is my opinion that the participation of Diocese of Rochester priests in these services should cease as soon as possible so as to end this source of scandal.

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3 Responses to “Another Spiritus Offshoot”

  1. Bernie says:

    I absolutely agree with you, Dr. K.
    A couple of years ago I raised this very issue within my KofC council. We send donations to St. Joeseph’s House every year and we had been helping prepare a meal there during Advent. I wasn’t recommending suspending our donations or volunteer work but only sending the House our concern and protest of the blurring of distinction between the Catholic Mass and the “mass” of the schismatics (At the time, I was specifically referring to the role of Chava Redonnet). I felt it was important to take a stand as a solid Catholic men’s group. I expressed that,in my view, what was going on was an attempt to gradually legitimize as ‘Roman Catholic’ the schismatic/excommunicated group. My proposal was voted down although there was significant support to make some kind of protest. Pat and I eventually redirected our private contributions to a different charity.

  2. A Catholic says:


    It’s too bad your effort to get your K of C Council to speak up on this failed. The gradual move of St. Joseph’s House of Hospitality over to the Spiritus way of thinking has been very disappointing and I’ve expressed to them my concern about this, especially since I had a close involvement with St. Joseph’s House as a volunteer in the 1990’s. Dorothy Day, the founder of the Catholic Worker movement, was radical in many ways but she was committed to and obedient to the Catholic Church. I’ve decided to donate to House of Mercy instead of St. Joseph’s House for now. Most of the staff at St. Joseph’s House has completely embraced the Spiritus way of thinking, with maybe the exception of Tom Malthanar. These people are living the Beatitudes, but they’ve gone off track in other ways.

  3. Ted says:

    Bernie – if you want to reduce the influence of spiritus christi on CW’s ST. Joe’s house, then the WRONG way to do it is to abandon St. Joe’s house to SC – this makes their influence MUCH GREATER. If you REALLY want to make CW more oriented towards the DoR or more tradition catholicism, the ONLY way to do that is to increase the presence and therefore the influence of your kind of catholics at CW St. Joe’s house. Are you really THAT AFRAID of Chava R to not put up a fight?

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