Here is Cleansing Fire’s official Christmas Mass list for the 2010 holiday season. These Masses are less likely to contain offensive liturgical abuses than many you will find in the area. This is not an all-inclusive list of solid Masses, so feel free to add additional Mass times in the comment box.
Our Lady of Victory (Downtown):
4:30 PM – Christmas Eve
12:00 AM – Christmas Day
10:00 AM – Christmas Day
St. Stanislaus (City Northeast):
4:00 PM – Christmas Eve
12:00 AM – Christmas Day
8:00 AM – Christmas Day (Traditional Latin Mass)
9:30 AM – Christmas Day
11:00 AM – Christmas Day (Polish)
St. Leo the Great (Hilton/Parama):
4:00 PM – Christmas Eve
6:00 PM – Christmas Eve
12:00 AM – Christmas Day
10:30 AM – Christmas Day
Holy Spirit (Webster/Penfield):
5:00 PM – Christmas Eve
12:00 AM – Christmas Day (choir sings at 11:30 PM)
8:30 AM – Christmas Day
10:30 AM – Christmas Day
12:00 PM – Christmas Day
Holy Cross (Charlotte/Northeast Greece):
5:00 PM – Christmas Eve
7:00 PM – Christmas Eve
12:00 AM – Christmas Day
8:00 AM – Christmas Day
10:00 AM – Christmas Day
St. Mark (Greece):
4:30 PM – Christmas Eve
12:00 AM – Christmas Day
10:00 AM – Christmas Day
12:00 PM – Christmas Day
St. Mary (Auburn):
4:00 PM – Christmas Eve
6:00 PM – Christmas Eve
8:00 PM – Christmas Eve
12:00 AM – Christmas Day
7:00 AM – Christmas Day
11:00 AM – Christmas Day
Tags: Orthodoxy at Work
FYI – The Traditional Latin Mass will be celebrated using mostly lights coming from the flood of Christmas trees in the sanctuary. As a privilege, a priest (in the Traditional Rite) celebrates three Masses on Christmas (as well as All Souls Day). The three Masses are midnight (“Dominus Dixit), dawn (“Lux Fulgebit) and daytime (“Puer Natus Est”). Father B will be the celebrant. Our Gregorian chant schola will sing the Chant Mass proper to Christmas.
Thank you for the info Choirloft….. What church do you speak of. St Stanislaus? Is the schola present and is the Mass Latin at Midnight?
The Mass I spoke about is at Saint Stanislaus and at 8 a.m. Christmas morning. The Mass will be according to the 1962 Missal. Hope you can make it. Have a blessed Christmas.
Nothing on the south side?
I would like to add St. John the Evangelist in Greece to the list. 8:30 A.M. & 10:30 A.M. Mass times.
Thank you, Jetscubs. St. John has reverent Masses with minimal stress-inducing abuse.
I’m not sure what to recommend on the south side. A lot of lay administrator parishes around there.
Merry Christmas!
A beautiful candlelight service (MASS) was had by everyone at St. Louis Church in Pittsford, with a wonderful spirit filled homily by our Beloved Priest and Pastor, Father Kevin Murphy.
Merry Christmas to all!