Anima eius et animae omnium fidelium defunctorum per Dei misericordiam requiescant in pace.
May his soul and the souls of all the departed faithful by God’s mercy rest in peace.
His death creates the a third vacant see, along with Rapid City, South Dakota (Bishop Cupich was named Bishop of Spokane in June) and Joliet, Illinois (Bishop Sartain was named Archbishop of Seattle in September and installed formally on December 1)
This is in addition to ten prelates serving past the retirement age of 75:
Archbishop Eusebius Beltran of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma (76.3 years old)
Bishop Kevin Boland of Savannah, Georgia (75.7 years old)
Archbishop Justin Rigali of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (75.7 years old)
Bishop Carlos Sevilla of Yakima, Washington (75.3 years old)
Bishop Joseph Adamec of Altoona-Johnstown, Pennsylvania (75.3 years old)
Bishop John McCormack of Manchester, New Hampshire (75.3 years old)
Bishop Fabian Bruskewitz of Lincoln, Nebraska (75.2 years old)
Bishop Victor Galeone of St. Augustine, Florida (75.2 years old)
Bishop Paul Zipfel of Bismarck, North Dakota (75.2 years old)
Bishop Gerald Gettelfinger of Evansville, Indiana (75.1 years old)
Furthermore, in 2011 we will see seven more prelates reach retirement age:
Bishop Thomas Doran of Rockford, Illinois
Archbishop Roger Mahoney of Los Angeles, California (co-adjutor Archbishop Jose Gomez is set to take over)
Archbishop George Niederauer of San Francisco, California (Nancy Pelosi hails from his Archdiocese…)
Bishop Edward Kmiec of Buffalo, New York (This one should be interesting. I may be tempted to see this installation Mass.)
Bishop Donald Trautman Trautperson of Erie, Pennsylvania (We wouldn’t want to be gender-specific, you know!)
Bishop Ricardo Ramirez of Las Cruces, New Mexico
Bishop Tod Brown of Orange, California
Overall in the next five years, 41 more US Bishops will reach retirement age. Lucky number thirteen is Bishop Clark.
Tags: Bishop Clark, Orthodoxy at Work, Requiescant in Pace, USCCB
Trautperson 🙂 good one, Abaccio!
Instead of Frosty the’s Frosty the Snowperson.
Shouldn’t the title be “Requiescat” (singular)? My Latin is rusty, so I could be totally off base. Correct me if I am.
You’re right on target, Choir…I was lazy, and just copied from the prayer without thinking! I never spell it right if I have to type it myself!
TrautperCHILD,you male chauvinist!