Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Immaculate Conception Masses

December 8th, 2010, Promulgated by Dr. K

Remember, today is a holy day of obligation! Below are a list of Masses around the Rochester area. We hope everyone can make it to Mass today.

Some area liturgies by time:

7:30 AM – Holy Cross [Charlotte]
8:00 AM – St. Mark [Greece]
8:00 AM – St. Stanislaus [City northeast] (Novus Ordo)
9:00 AM – Holy Spirit [Penfield]
9:00 AM – Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary [Brockport]
9:00 AM – Holy Trinity [Webster]
9:30 AM – Holy Cross [Charlotte]
12:00 PM – St. Stanislaus [City northeast] (Traditional Latin Mass)
12:10 PM – Our Lady of Victory/St. Joseph [Downtown]
5:30 PM – St. Mark [Greece]
5:30 PM – Holy Spirit [Penfield]
5:30 PM – St. Stanislaus [City northeast] (Novus Ordo)
7:00 PM – Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary [Brockport]
7:00 PM – Holy Cross [Charlotte] – Mass offered for Msgr. Burns
7:30 PM – St. Mark [Greece]
7:30 PM – Holy Spirit [Penfield] – Adoration follows Mass until 12:30 AM

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6 Responses to “Immaculate Conception Masses”

  1. Gretchen says:

    Our Mother of Sorrows (Greece) at 8:30am and 5pm.

  2. Monk says:

    Thanks Dr. K! Happy Feast Day!

  3. Anonymous says:

    Excellent! Thank you.
    I think St. Stanislaus also has a 6:30 in Polish this evening.

  4. Abaccio says:

    We were invited to be seated for the consecration today…*GROWL*

  5. benanderson says:

    abaccio – which parish/priest?

  6. Gretchen says:

    Correction on the evening Mass at Our Mother of Sorrows. It’s at 5:30, not 5:00. Sorry for the confusion.

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