Dr. Paul Kengor (professor at my alma mater and fellow at The Center of Vision and Values) was on CA Live this week (12/20) talking about his new book, “DUPES: How America’s Adversaries Have Manipulated Progressives for a Century”. Here’s an audio snippet of that interview (if the audio player isn’t right below this text, it’s under the picture to the left):
I didn’t know you went to Grove City. First Things recently gave it high marks in a survey of colleges (I think it was the November or October issue). Several of my daughter’s friends are considering it for college and Paul Kengor sounds like a really smart guy.
I just heard an interview with Al Kresta about this book. My reading list is growing again!
Merry Christmas!
Dupes? Where I come from these are called Dupas.
Sretan Boži?!
Yes, Nerina, I followed the steps of 2 uncles, my father, and my 2 older brothers and went to GCC. Just so I don’t give any false impressions, though, I was neither a model student nor a model Christian at that time. I do, however, have a diploma (after writing a number of book reports to make up for missing too many chapel services) that states that I graduated 🙂
It’s a good school. It can be somewhat boring being in the middle of nowhere, but if they’re into things like their church youth group, they’ll love it.