Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Catholic Businesses and Professionals Breakfast

December 15th, 2010, Promulgated by Dr. K

Just thought I’d pass along the following advertisement for a Catholic professionals breakfast featuring a guest speaker who is a friend of local orthodoxy and a former blogger, Gene Michael. The event is being sponsored by the Station of the Cross.

The Station of the Cross invites you to our next Catholic Businesses & Professionals Breakfast – an opportunity for networking, fellowship, and evangelization.  The Breakfast event is set for January 20th with networking beginning at 7:30am at the Mario’s on Monroe Avenue, featuring our speaker, Gene Michael, a former Battalion Chief with the RFD and a local entrepreneur.

If you are interested in learning more about this event, please contact MaryJo at 839-6117, ext 102, email her at or visit and click “Catholic Professionals” under the community tab. You can also click here to download the registration form, or here to pay the $15 breakfast registration fee.

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6 Responses to “Catholic Businesses and Professionals Breakfast”

  1. Christopher says:

    Any readers of this blog going to this? I am tempted but I dunno if I can wake up this early.

  2. benanderson says:

    Christopher, waking up early is easy – just go to bed early.

    Don’t laugh because I’m serious when I ask – what is a “Catholic Professional”?

    I thought about going to the first one of these, but didn’t go because:
    1) although hosted by 1460, I’m still so skeptical of “Catholic” events around here
    2) I don’t know what a “Catholic Professional” is and whether or not I am one

    Gene Michael being the speaker puts me at east with #1, but still not sure about #2.

  3. Dr. K says:

    I think any Catholic who works in the business world would be welcome, be they owners, mangers, salespersons, or your average behind the desk employees.

  4. benanderson says:

    I just emailed the contact for clarification – will report back when I hear back.

  5. Abaccio says:

    ben–in terms of WHIC sponsored events, i’ve been to 3, all of which have been very good.

  6. benanderson says:

    Mary Jo Maurer responds:

    It’s a very broad category. Anyone out in the workplace who is interested would qualify. It’s particularly trying to target people involved with business and professionals – all types – doctors, lawyers, engineers, teachers, accountants writers etc.

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