This comes to us, care of the New Liturgical Movement.
I think also of the tireless work of our Holy Father to carry out a reform of the post-Conciliar liturgical reform (he’s talking about the “Reform of the Reform”, folks), conforming the celebration of the Sacred Liturgy to the perennial teaching of the Church as it was presented anew at the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, so that in every liturgical action we may see more clearly the action of Christ Himself who unites heaven and earth, even now, in preparation for His Final Coming, when He will inaugurate “new heaven and a new earth,” when we will all celebrate the fullness of life and love in the liturgy in the heavenly Jerusalem. The Cardinal today is called, in a special way, to assist the Successor of Saint Peter, in handing on, in an unbroken organic line, what Christ Himself has given us in the Church, His Eucharistic Sacrifice, “the font and highest expression of the whole Christian life.” The right order of Sacred Worship (we all know what the reciprocal “wrong order”is) in the Church is the condition of the possibility of the right order of her teaching and the right order of her conduct.
Right order of the Church’s teaching and conduct? Talk about an indictment of the liberal agenda for the Church. Once again I say, BAM! Statement made, Cardinal Burke. Bravo, and felicitations on having the courage to say what must be said and, presumably, to do what must be done.
Tags: Liturgy, News and Media, Orthodoxy at Work