Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

ACLU v. Morality

December 26th, 2010, Promulgated by Gen

From the National Review:

Ho, ho, ho! Just in time for Christmas, the American Civil Liberties Union has launched a new salvo against people of faith. Even as billions around the world celebrate the birth of Christ, joyless, abortion-obsessed secularists never take a holiday. (This kind of writing is why I’m a registered Conservative.)

On Wednesday, the ACLU sent a letter to federal health officials urging the government to force Catholic hospitals in the U.S. to perform abortions in violation of their core moral commitment to protecting the lives of the unborn. They’re counting on sympathetic Obama rationing czar Donald Berwick — a recess appointee whose radical views on wealth and health redistribution were never vetted by Congress — to dictate which religious principles hospital operators can and cannot follow.

You can read the full piece here.

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One Response to “ACLU v. Morality”

  1. Anonymous says:

    This group has done so much to the destructionof our society yetso many sit back and let them just do their work. Perhaps we as Catholic Christians are guilty of the same silence as what took place in the early 1930’s when most Christians were silent as Adolf Hitler came to power.

    Perhaps this is a reflection and a summation of the over 40 years of poor instruction of lay catholics concerning issues that direectly reflect morality in our nation.

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