Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

A Poor Choice of Priorities

December 6th, 2010, Promulgated by Gen

As every faithful Catholic should do, I hope and pray that the local ordinary, Bishop Clark, will, from time to time, do something . . . I don’t know . . . Catholic. After all, he is a bishop of the Roman Catholic Church and a successor to the Apostles – not some “bishop” of a store-front “church” preaching the Gospel of ecumenism and dialogue. Well, I keep praying. I really do. But it seems that Bishop Clark has a rather bizarre ranking of what’s important to the Church and what isn’t.

Bishop Clark and Ray Grosswirth - How I hope and pray that "faith-sharing" may lead, someday, to something genuinely "Catholic".

Events not attended or referenced by Bishop Clark:

  • Closing of St. Thomas (and scores of other churches and institutions)
  • Rosary for Priestly Vocations
  • Any sort of public pro-life rally

Events attended and/or promoted by Bishop Clark:

  • AIDS prayer service at St. Mary’s
  • “Faith Sharing” with local Sikhs
  • The horrendously inappropriate Chrism Masses at the cathedral

There’s a difference between engaging in dialogue and simply ignoring the flock’s actual problems.

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One Response to “A Poor Choice of Priorities”

  1. francesca says:

    It is still the teaching of the Church that there can be grave sins of omission.

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