Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Onward and Upward

November 17th, 2010, Promulgated by Gen

All – as much as I enjoy blogging with you, I feel that I am being called to do something else. What will I be doing? I’m applying to be the Director of Liturgy for the Diocese of Rochester. It’s like God has tailored me for this job. Just look at the description as found on the DoR website:

Director of Liturgy for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Rochester, NY – assist the Bishop to work with clergy and parishes in fostering sound liturgical practice throughout the 12 county Diocese (See? “Sound liturgical practice” – That’s me!). Responsible for overseeing all diocesan liturgies (that means I’d be in charge of the Chrism Mass – no more prancing merry-men in tights) and conducting liturgical formation on diocesan and parish levels (My formation would include making every priest and liturgical minister read the actual documents of Vatican II on liturgy). Successful candidate will be a faith-filled person who believes in the values of the Second Vatican Council (The Church acknowledges Gregorian chant as specially suited to the Roman liturgy: therefore, other things being equal, it should be given pride of place in liturgical services. Sacrosanctum Concillium 116) and have proven leadership, administrative and communication skills (I trust running Cleansing Fire will suffice?). Background should include a Master degree in Liturgical studies or Theology and a minimum of 3-5 years parish experience, diocesan experience desirable.Send resume to Mary Bauer, Human Resources, Roman Catholic Diocese of Rochester, 1150 Buffalo Road, Rochester NY 14624 – Fax (585-328-3149) email

So what do you think my chances are? Personally, I can’t even fathom the responsibility of this office. Imagine . . . Me! . . . in an alb . . . with that white binder . . . and that haircut which I guess is mandatory for people in this role . . . and the ability to actually smack people with a crozier. Gives you chills, doesn’t it?

**Please note – I am being totally sarcastic. I have no interest to bring myself to hippie-induced suicidal depression.**

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7 Responses to “Onward and Upward”

  1. Louis E. says:

    Why settle for sarcasm?…by all means put them through the work of refusing you,and keep appealing until,say,2013…

  2. Eliza10 says:

    Since they want people with 3-5 years experience in the Diocese its clear they want someone they know they can work with, who they can count on to continue to do things like they have always been done. And so that means not you.

  3. Dr. K says:


    I think this is for the position that was held by Grizard, not Sr. Binsack.

  4. Anonymous says:

    OO goody, another round of name that parish!

    St Francis DeSales in Geneva!

  5. Ink says:

    I’m sorry, Gen, but I don’t think they’d let you. Your resume exudes true Catholicism.

  6. That position has been open for quite a while now. I think at least a year.

  7. Jean says:

    Thanks for a hearty laugh, Gen. We have to have a sense of humor to survive in this diocese.

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