Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Vatican Newspaper Praises Homer Simpson

October 19th, 2010, Promulgated by Bernie
From today’s New Oxford Review Daily News Feed:

Fox Network

In the slightly tongue-in-cheek piece, the Holy See’s mouthpiece praises the iconoclastic cartoon for remaining “among the few TV programs for children in which the Christian faith, religion, and the question of God are recurring themes.”

Read the short article here:, Tuesday, October 19, 2010



4 Responses to “Vatican Newspaper Praises Homer Simpson”

  1. Dr. K says:

    “among the few TV programs for children in which the Christian faith, religion, and the question of God are recurring themes.”

    And homosexual marriage is endorsed.

  2. están totalmente desarcertados ya que los valores que enzeñan son contrarios a la fe cátolica, es indudable que el modernismo inquistado en Roma a llegado hasta la medula, los videos exaltan todos los pecados,y no es la primera vez que el vaticano elogia todas las herejias, no están cumpliendo con Nuestro Señor , esta Roma se está alejando día a día de la fe verdadera , lo digo con un gran dolor en el alma quitaos hermanos las escamas de los ojos y vuelve a Cristo. por el reinado social de CRISTO. Jorge Calderón

  3. Bernie says:

    I remember a speaker, at one of our absolutely horrible teacher conference days, who tried to sell the faculty on the valuable lessons that were taught on The Simpsons’ show. The speaker was frustrated because we weren’t buying.

    I see that The Star article mentions that the Vatican newspaper has done an article on the Simpsons before, on the use of Aristotelian and Nietzscheian themes on the show. Also, apparently the Angican Archbishop of Canterbury has complimented the show.

    This is very strange.

  4. Bernie says:

    You read it here, first!

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