Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Top 100 Catholic Quotes of All Time

October 13th, 2010, Promulgated by Gen

I would like for you, the readers, to email me your favorite Catholic quote which will be included in a Cleansing Fire “Top 100 Catholic Quotes of All Time” page here at the site. Feel free to send anywhere between 1 and 3. I’d like to get a broad spectrum of your favorites, so get to it! Once you get your favorite(s) in order, email me at I will compile the list and publish it once we get the 100. You can draw from saints, the Bible, the Catechism, papal homilies, encyclicals, etc. The possibilities are endless! Just no heretics – let’s keep this pure and unadulterated, shall we?

So get busy – email me your favorite quotes!

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3 Responses to “Top 100 Catholic Quotes of All Time”

  1. Anonymous says:

    How about a top 25 Rochester heretic quote list as well?

  2. Gen says:

    Let’s get the non-heretic content settled first, and then we can do the heretic option. That should be lively! 😉

  3. snowshoes says:

    “Jesus, I trust in You!”

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