Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Two pastors calling on the Vatican to stop Cleveland church closings

September 30th, 2010, Promulgated by Bernie

Here is an interesting article I received as part of a daily news brief I get from the New Oxford Review. (Read the whole article here.)

Two high-profile Cleveland clerics (one is a priest an the other a Methodist pastor!) are calling on the Vatican to stop Bishop Richard Lennon from what they see as his destruction of the Cleveland Catholic Diocese by a sweeping, reckless closing of churches, mostly in the inner city…

Over the last year, the local bishop has closed 50 churches in the eight-county diocese, mostly in urban Cleveland, Akron and Lorain.

…”It is becoming more and more difficult for many parishioners and leaders alike to remain ‘Catholic’ in our diocese,” Begin (the priest) wrote. “I believe the situation merits an apostolic visitor to conduct an objective inquiry into what is occurring.”

Archbishop Pietro Sambi in Washington, D.C., who represents the Vatican in the United States, called the Methodist pastor and asked if he could have his permission to forward the letter to the Vatican.

Read the whole story here.



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