Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

The Bathory Chasuble

September 6th, 2010, Promulgated by Bernie

The Bathory Chasuble, Esztergom Cathedral Treasury, Hungary, ca. 1500

 Click on picture for a larger image

Here is an interesting example* of three-dimensional embroidery used for some chasubles in Hungary and Poland in the late 15th and early 16th centuries. Architectural motifs -canopies, for example- were usually rendered in a precious color like gold or a contrasting texture of material or thread but here the canopies are actually three-dimensional, constructed in covered wood or papier mâché, and projecting out over the figure below. The figures are padded to strengthen the sculptural appearance of the design.

I can hear it now: “Is that something Jesus would wear?”

Well, I suppose it is approaching some kind of limit to appropriateness.


Picture and information source:

*Pauline Johnstone, High Fashion in the Church, (Leeds, Maney Publishing, 2002 ) page 76; the place of Church vestments in the history of art from the 9th to the 19th century.

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One Response to “The Bathory Chasuble”

  1. chasubles says:

    Nice post, thank you for sharing. Be honest i am not quite sure about the chasuble, i have read some information about it online. Your post will help me understand it better in the future, because i am interested in it.

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