Fr. Tanck and the IPPG have stated that the priest shortage is one of the significant reasons why parishes need to close in Irondequoit. This coming Sunday Oct. 3rd from 12-3 pm there is a going-away reception for Father Peter Abas at St. Cecilia’s church as he journeys back to Borneo for good. Apparently, Fr. Tanck and the Bishop would not assign him to any priestly duties in Irondequoit. Being the good priest that he is, he is going to Borneo where he can practice his full priestly ministries. Fr. Tanck and the Bishop have fabricated a priest shortage in Irondequoit to help justify their destruction of the Irondequoit parishes. The last thing they wanted was an “extra” priest in Irondequoit.
Shame on them! Fr. Peter was a very holy and hard working priest. He really cared about his flock and they cared about him. If he had continued his ministry in Irondequoit, it is certain that the faith would have grown tremendously. He was the “John Vianney” of Irondequoit. In a short period of time, he began to have a significant positive effect on the faith of the parishes. Unfortunately, this was not on Fr. Tanck’s or the Bishop’s agenda. What a loss! Pray for Father Peter. Borneo is not a friendly place for Christians and especially Catholic priests. May God grant him peace and grace in the future.
Priest Shortage! BS. If you mandate your priests retire 5 years before the national average, of course there will be a priest shortage and it’s a man made or lets say “Bishop Made” shortage.
Why in the world would anybody be drawn to Catholicism after looking at what our diocese is doing to its people? What grave, grave scandal. I would NEVER, EVER give to the CMA as long as we have this INCOMPETENT bishop ruining our diocese.
Father Peter was a gift to all and I pray that God keeps him safe in Borneo. His leaving is another huge loss for the Church of Irondequoit.
SHAME SHAME on the DOR!!.Before Father Peter leaves I wish he would give a seminar to Buffalo road about Grace,Reverence and Humility.
Same stuff going on in Corning. We suddenly lost Fr. Fred Assuming with about a week’s warning. Then Fr. Lew was ill in the hospital for a few days, and presto! no more daily masses ’cause DOR can’t find a replacement or a priest to step in. They are punishing us because we are fighting tooth and nail to keep them from closing two of our last three churches. The tactics used to bring us into line only serve to set us more firmly in our position of opposing them. They manufacture all kinds of crises and get the lay-run staff and councils on board. Pathetic and sad, but exactly how their father the devil works.
Mary Mother of Hope, please pray for Father Peter Abas, that his journey home will be safe, and his ministry be fulfilled and fruitful.