Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

If You Thought Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize Was Something…

September 30th, 2010, Promulgated by Dr. K

A few readers have sent us e-mails alerting us to the fact that Bishop Clark is this year’s recipient of the “Exemplary Bishop of the Year” award from the Catholic Campus Ministry Association. Whatever this award is exactly, or in what way Bishop Clark deserves to even be in the running, I do not know.

Congratulations… I guess?

From the DoR website:

“Bishop of Rochester Matthew H. Clark has been named Exemplary Bishop of the Year by the national Catholic Campus Ministry Association for his “noteworthy support of campus ministry.”

The award will be presented at a special CCMA Bishops’ Breakfast on Nov. 16 in Baltimore, and attended by many of the nation’s Catholic leaders during the fall meeting of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.

The 2010 Exemplary Bishop Award is given after consideration of Bishop Clark’s long devotion to strengthening and supporting the mission of college campus ministry. In a written nomination, Shannon Loughlin, Diocese of Rochester director of young adult and campus ministry, noted that “Bishop Clark has been consistently supportive of campus ministry over the past 30 years. He regularly visits the college campuses for Masses and programs. He also meets yearly with campus ministers to discuss how their experiences on the college campuses point to the issues, challenges and joys that can be expected in the parishes in the coming years. “

Bishop Clark said, “I am most appreciative of this award, which I certainly must share with the devoted, highly professional ministers in our Diocese who have made such an enormous difference in the lives of thousands of young people on our campuses.””

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9 Responses to “If You Thought Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize Was Something…”

  1. Ink says:

    Aaaand the number one flag in this article is the phrase “campus minister.” Note how the word “priest” is loudly absent from the entire article. Or “clergy.” Or “religious.” Hmmmmm.

  2. LoyalViews says:

    Whats next? Hans Kung recieve Theologian of the Year?

  3. Matt says:

    Here I was, all prepared to laugh about another one of your famous April Fool’s Day prank posts, but NOPE, this one’s real. I wonder if this award comes hand-signed by Pope Michael I?

  4. Dr. K says:

    I wonder if this award comes hand-signed by Pope Michael I?

    I’m sure pope Michael I has excommunicated him by now.

  5. Anonymous says:

    It’s giving the award to a “near occasion of sin”.

  6. Jim R says:

    Typical brown nosing. His employee nominates him as a great boss! Must be a great Boss since he continues to employ her. When are raises decided upon?

    So much of this meaningless hoohah!

  7. Anonymous says:

    It’s disgusting that someone, working for the dark side, is in contact with and is influencing our youth.

  8. Adolfo says:

    Beware of making uncharitable comments about and against God’s anointed Shepherd, Bishop Clark. Our dear Lord has chosen him to guide the diocese. Who are we to question our Holy Father’s judgement in elevating him to the office of Bishop? Thank our Lord that he is here.
    Questioning the judgement of God in any matter, is calling down judgement on ourselves.

  9. Gen says:

    We’re not questioning the judgment of God. We’re questioning the judgment of a fully-human man who is capable of error. Remember, Judas was hand-picked by God, too.

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