Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church


September 18th, 2010, Promulgated by Bernie

‘In case you missed it’ department:

American atheists lined up to be “de-baptized” this summer in a ritual using a hair dryer, according ABC’s late-night news program Nightline (July 16). Leading atheist Edwin Kagin blasted his fellow nonbelievers with the hair dryer to symbolically dry up the holy water sprinkled on their heads in years past. …

Read the short news brief -along with other interesting stuff if you subscribe- at the New Oxford Review.

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3 Responses to ““De-baptized””

  1. Mike says:

    While they were at it they repealed the Law of Gravity – and with the same effect.

  2. Nerina says:

    Exactly, Mike.

    Sorry, folks. You were claimed by Christ, for Christ. It can’t be “undone.” Indelible mark, and all that.

  3. snowshoes says:

    Oremus, that most scary of scriptures came to mind, “And those who did not want me to be King, bring them here…”

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