Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Breakfast with Fr. Abas (Saturday)

September 17th, 2010, Promulgated by Dr. K

Before Fr. Peter Abas returns to his native Borneo he will have a special breakfast discussion tomorrow morning. The breakfast will be at St. Cecilia’s church in Irondequoit.

It’s a shame that Rochester will be losing yet another great priest. If you are not already aware, the reason Fr. Abas is leaving the diocese is because Bishop Clark uses and abuses the priests at his disposal. Fr. Abas does not enjoy a particular assignment, but rather is used by the diocese as a fill-in priest for more than seven church sites. If we want priests in the Diocese of Rochester, we need to start treating them like priests, not “sacramental ministers.” This will be your last chance to hear Fr. Abas’ story, so please try to attend.

This event appears to be geared more toward male Catholics.

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