Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

A Party in Irondequoit

September 30th, 2010, Promulgated by Monk

Fr. Tanck’s hand-picked Irondequoit Transition Committee is busy planning the final chapter of St. Thomas the Apostle’s parish life. The final Sunday Mass will be November 14th followed by a “reception.” I heard someone say that it is analogous to family members planning the euthanization of their grandma (against her will), standing around her bed while it is carried out and then all going out and having a party! How can one participate in this injustice?.
Fr. Tanck assured concerned St. Thomas parishioners that the transition team would be different than the IPPG committee and they would have equal representation as the other parishes – two members from each parish. St. Thomas was under represented on the IPPG committee with only one member (a hand-picked parishioner leading the charge for some strange reason to close STA). So the two members Fr. Tanck picked for the transition committee were #1 – He told Fr. Tanck he would not be available for meetings for the entire month of August. Fr. Tanck said “no problem, welcome aboard.” August was the month that most of the committee’s decisions were made. #2 – A St. Thomas parishioner that spends half the year out-of-town. She stood in front of fellow distraught parishioners at the recent listening session and proclaimed what a “terrific” decision it was to close the parish – one she worked at for over 20 years! The insensitivity towards her fellow parishioners was astounding! So much for Fr. Tanck’s assurances…..this entire process has been nothing but a sham with Fr. Tanck having no authority to effectively close St. Thomas the Apostle (or St. Salome) by eliminating their Masses. Shame on him.
Fr. Tanck’s transition committee can plan HIS party but STA parishioners aren’t going to dance on Msgr. Burn’s grave!

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2 Responses to “A Party in Irondequoit”

  1. Sfomo says:

    I, as a parishioner of STA, would like to know who is planning the final Mass and reception on November 14. Note to planners: Don’t ask me to bake cookies. I won’t be there.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Just keep coming. Be there in the cold on November 21 and every Sunday afterwards. If enough people keep coming, even if no Mass is offered, it will speak loudly.

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