Please avail yourselves of the opportunity of attending a Requiem Mass for a devoted priest whom we lost this past year, Fr. Meng. The Mass will be offered at St. Stanislaus Church, the normal venue for the local Extraordinary Form. The entirety of the Mass will be sung in Gregorian Chant, and is sure to be a fitting remembrance of Fr. Meng. While he was buried weeks ago, this Requiem will be offered for the repose of his soul. The DoR administration wanted to honor him in their own manner, and so have already held the actual Funeral Mass for him.
For those who never had the singular privilege to meet and converse with Fr. Meng, the man was truly saintly. The majority of his financial assets ended up with groups like the Fraternity of St. Peter and other quickly-growing religious orders of the same sweet and delicious flavor. His warmth and charity stand out in my memory as the most genuine I have ever encountered. He lived simply, but with an undeniable zeal for God, His Church, and the beauty thereof. And how did he foster this love for the transcendent? Not just by offering his life as a pastor, but by leading every soul he encountered towards God.
So please do your best to attend the Requiem Mass for his soul. It will be at St. Stanislaus, Satuday the 21st of August, at 11 AM.
Tags: Latin Mass, Liturgy, News and Media, Orthodoxy at Work