This email was sent out from the Rochester Coordinator of 40 Days for Life:
Hello pro-lifers. The 40 Days for Life team is looking for volunteers to do the following:
1. Ask your pastor to make an announcement during or after Mass/service about the 40 DFL campaign. A sample announcement is here.
2. Part of the announcement is that there will be a person in the back of the church after Mass/service with additional information and a sign-up sheet for those who are interested in participating in the campaign. We’re asking you to either be that person or recruit a person from your church to do this. We will provide you with the literature and forms needed. Target dates are the first or second weekend in September.
3. Submit an article to your church bulletin to appear on the same weekend as the above announcement. A sample article is also included in the attached Word file with the pulpit announcement. A larger, full page article is here if that is preferred.
4. Mail or email any contact information for those who signed up, back to me.
Send an email to if you are willing to help with this important effort to save the unborn from the scourge of abortion.
The 40 Days for Life Campaign is an easy way for pro-lifers to take peaceful, concrete action in standing up for life. When we think of how much Christ suffered for us on the cross, it really is nothing in comparision to pray peacefully for an hour on a public sidewalk in front of an abortion clinic. This is a powerful witness that has led some mothers to cancel abortion appointments. We can pray at home to end abortion, vote for pro-life candidates but in the end the most effective thing to do, and the thing that helps those about to be aborted and their mothers and fathers the most is to actually be there in prayerful, loving witness to the sanctity of life.